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Mar 3, 2010

Menucha 2 - Shema Yisrael

Here's the sad part - After 5 years since it was announced, we get 10 songs with a "unplugged" version of Shma as a "bonus". I'm still going to get this cd just because they are Menucha. I guess they figure they are going to sell anyway, why put more into it? Beats me! All I know is that I'm looking forward to seeing if this album is a hit or miss.

Menucha 2 is about to hit stores! Word is that the brand new CD will arrive in stores next week. Here is a sneak peek at the CD cover.

Track names and guest stars!! Check out all the amazing guest stars this CD will have! (Via

1 Sh’ma Yisroel
2 Shiru Lashem
3 Racheim Al Tzion (featuring Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner & The Yeshiva Boys Choir) 4 Kodosh (featuring Dovid Stein)
5 T’chias Hameisim
6 V’yizku
7 V’zakeinu (featurng Eli Gerstner)
8 Y’hi Hachodesh
9 Loolay
10 V’hagisa
11 Sh’ma Unplugged (Bonus Track)


Anonymous said...

whats wrong with an unplugged version.. its gana be a more rocked up version of an already pumping song,i cant wait

Anonymous said...

Btw once your featuring the guests you should've mentioed Daniel Waldman on the 10th track

JMDerech said...

I didn't know he was on it until I heard it. Wait till u see my review!


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