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Mar 1, 2010

Purim Videos

So with the title you'd think there'd be some videos from Purim, right? Wrong. I couldn't find anything worth posting. It may have had to do with the fact that the singers had a little alcohol in their system, as well as the musicians. Possibly it was the fact that the cameraman was intoxicated. Video after video of wobbly camera motions. I guess it really gives you the feeling that you're experiencing Purim first hand, like you're the actual drunk guy who's taking the video!

As for my Purim experience. I had a great time! I got to drink Saturday night, however I was forbade to drink on Sunday. One glass of wine was my Sunday experience. You see, I had to drive back home that night, so no drinks for me! That was fine with me because I got to see a bunch of tipsy/drunk guys being loud and festive from a sober point of view, which was quite amusing! I had an amazing Purim seuda at my brother's home, and heard some really inspirational divrei torah, and to top it off, my brothers and I had a nice kumzits together.

Purim, there's nothing like it! It's going to be the only holiday left after the geula and boy am I glad!

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