Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Mar 22, 2010

Passion - Journal Entry 1

It's interesting, I went through the normal course of my day once again, which usually has some music playing in the background at random intervals. I listened to two albums today. Menucha 2 and Oorah 2010. There were some songs which really made me happy. I'm talking smile on my face, positive thinking, happy. I truly feel blessed that I have a passion for something. Although it is not the only thing I have a passion for, Jewish music really gets me going and is constantly flowing through my head.

I want to take that thought a step further.

To be passionate about something is so important. Many find passion in their work or their hobbies. If you can direct that drive, that passion towards learning - great! If you can direct that passion towards being with and taking care of your family - even better! The important thing is to find that passion and cling to it and build on it.

I was reading through the new Country Yossi magazine, which I picked up at the Judaica store yesterday. No, I did not go to the Judaica store just for a free magazine! I needed a new yarmulke :). Anyway, the magazine had an article on A.K.A Pella 4, entitled "Platinum Collection" (I think). I was reading how the author described how he loved certain songs, such as Yofyafisa and Anovim. I could tell he was excited about it and that got me excited!

Excitement and happiness is contagious; so is depression and sadness. You have to pick how you feel and how you react. Try to go into your day remembering that you're in control of your reactions and when that slap in the face hits you and you want to get down on yourself... remember that you're in control! For me, I think of a great song and that cheers me up. If that doesn't work, dig deeper! Think about your loved ones (and a good song while you are at it!) :)

Be well,


sim said...

I'm did some work on the AKApella 4 platinum album and trust its what to be passionate about!

Shimmy Messing said...

It's called Platinum.cover looks awesome. cant wait!!


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