Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Oct 15, 2009

These boys deserve some massive credit!

For those of you who haven't yet seen this, this is a must watch. This a raw talent at its best. The Miami Boys Choir had a concert over Chol Hamoed Sukkos 2009 and in their song Me'im Hashem, the soundtrack died and they were left basically acapella. They had some drums, keyboard and maybe a sax. You'll see when it happens, the boy whose solo it is, takes it in stride. He doesn't stop singing, no, he keeps the show going, giving the crowd a show worth their tickets. Begun does some nice vocal work after the music goes out, listen for it.

Me'im Hashem - Miami Boys Choir Concert on Chol Hamoed Succos


:) said...

No keyboard and no sax when the soundtrack went out. Just drums.

Anonymous said...

I was there and it was so impressive- the boys were amazing and the crowd was so into it. And the band also was great- first it was the drums, then guitar, keyboard and sax played and I dont think they had the sheet music it was just improvised and they really came through!!

Anonymous said...

hello - could we get a repost??


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