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Oct 29, 2009

I have never looked so forward to an album before - Benny Friedman Trailer

Finally, an album with a voice I'm looking forward to listening too, not just a good song. That's been the problem this year for me. There have been lot's of new singers, yet none of them really excite me when I listen to them. None of them give me that "Ahh, Geshmak!" feeling that I feel when I listen to someone like Fried or Shwekey sing. Don't get me wrong, they're all great, but they're not GREAT! You know what I mean? Sure, they've had great compositions on their album, but it was missing something. It was missing a voice like Benny Friedman's.

Benny, the nephew of Avraham Fried is not only going to be big, he is already big and he hasn't even released a preview sampler. This first taste of his album is yummy and I'm eating it all up!

As a video editor myself, I give a big shkoyach to the most deserving Moshe Raskin, the video editor. Also to those who filmed - Chaki Abehsera, Moshe Raskin & Sruly Meyer.

The long awaited debut album is almost here!

Presented by Sameach Music and produced by Avi Newmark, this has been one of the most anticipated albums in recent memory, featuring 12 tracks sure to satisfy all musical palettes.

A variety of talented artists team up to bring you this masterful musical production. Selections include compositions from such famed composers as Yitzy Waldner and Elimelech Blumstein, and relative newcomers like Meshulum Greenberger and Oriel Avraham. Arrangers range from Good ol' Mona and Moshe Laufer to the always incredible Leib Yaakov Rigler and Avremi G, along with some great surprises from Ian Freitor, the album's engineer.

The Friedman/Marcus families showcase some very strong talent with three compositions, including the title track, Taamu, composed by Shmuel Marcus, an incredible piece of music sure to take your breath away composed by Simche Friedman, and a Bentzi Marcus composition featuring a duet with 8th Day! Rabbi Manis Friedman, Benny's father, collaborates with Lipa Schmeltzer to compose a Yiddish lyric that will at once force you to look inward, while causing your feet to move with the beat!

A special musical tribute was composed by Yitzy Spinner in memory of Izzy Taubenfeld, the founder of Sameach Music.

As an added bonus, the cover art and the CD jacket and all the corresponding art was all designed by the undisputed king of Jewish Music design, Sruly Meyer!

Keep an eye on for an official release date coming very soon!

To join Benny's street team, help promote the album, and win prizes in the process, email

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