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Jun 2, 2009

I'm getting married!

Hello dear readers. I'yH, I'm getting married in a couple months and need to form a list of songs to be played at my chassunah. I'm drawing blanks! Perhaps you can help me out! Post a comment or send me an email.


Anonymous said...

Here are some ideas:

Poseach- Daskal
Yavo- Miami
Chosson Hatorah- B. Levine
Bayis Neeman- Werdyger
Yeedle-Lev Echad
Rabbi Nachman/Uman Hey
Yerushalayim- Shalsheles Jr.
Dan Dan- Gabay
Mehairah- Acheinu 2
Lecha Dodi- E. Gerstner
Shabbos- Shlomo Katz
Hentelech- Lipa
Veyizku Liros- Y. Williger
Hazman Katzer- Meydad Tasa
Ashrei Mi- Kalish
A Gehoibene Zman- Yeedle
Lefichach- Gertner
Im Ain Ani Li- ABD

JMDerech said...

Not bad, I definitely like the first four. Thanks!

Jewish Music archive said...

Mazel Tov! Here are some Hora's off the top of my head: (If you want recommendations for Freilach songs and Slow songs, please let me know. 1. Emor Miat & U'vyom Simchaschem (Yeedle) 2. Kol Hamispallel & Adon Olam (YBC) 3. Ben Bag Bag, Yedid & Shomati (Shwekey) 4. Nissim (Gertner) 5. Asher Bora & Siman Tov (Piamenta's) 6. Chavivin Yisroel, Reb Meir, Omar R' Akiva & V'airastich (Ohad) 7. Pruzbul & Taseh Mitzva (Pruzansky) 8. Gam Zu L'tova (Lipa) 9. L'Gabay (Gabay) 10. Sima L'yisroel & Dida Bai (Fried)


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