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Jun 19, 2009

Yossi Fraenkel - Giving back to the Chabad community

"Singer Yossi Fraenkel Offers Free Performances to Chabad Houses, Chabad Tzedakos and Fundraising Dinners: “I Want to Give Back to The Rebbe and Those Who Give to Many More.”

Yossi Fraenkel a well known and popular Jewish singer has announced his offer to perform free of charge at events held by charities and other nonprofit organizations for the duration of 2009. “Chabad Houses and other Charities face so many obstacles in the current economic crisis, with more people in need, and fewer donations pouring in,” Yossi explains. “I want to give back to the Rebbe who's bracha and dollar accompanies me at every show, as well as all those who give to others.” His magnanimous offer extends to all charities and nonprofit organizations who seek to enhance their events with professional vocal entertainment. Instead of having to set aside a large part of their budget to obtain a musical artist, Fraenkel will now provide that for them, free of charge. Yossi Fraenkel has performed throughout the United States, Israel and Europe. His audiences have included various elected officials and religious leaders. Yossi performs at special needs homes, schools, events and Kumzites on a regular basis as well as being on call every day for Mekimi to go sing at hospital beds of sick patients. He is sought after at weddings, Sheva Brachos and other Simchas throughout the country.

Organizations seeking to accept his generous offer should contact Yossi Fraenkel by visiting his website, . Alternately, he can be reached by phoning 917-677-4545. Yossi’s gracious offer is emblematic of the initiative needed to quell the effects of the recession on our communities at large. It is his hope that others will follow his example and give generously.

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