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Jun 2, 2009

Sheves Achim Review - A Joint Effort!

To see my latest review, a joint effort with Kol Isha of the Jewish Music Report, visit the Jewish Music Report here.

Happy reading!


Anonymous said...

Hello, i'm looking for the words/lyrics of the song "superman" if you know them or where can i find them please send it to me at

JMDerech said...

The little boy grew up with dreams of flying through the sky
He'd be like superman watching clouds go by
There - someone in distress, swoop down and save the day
Just wait til I grow up, he thought, then I'll have my way
He wished he could wear glasses, protect his identity
so what if without them he could see perfectly
sitting reading comic books his thoughts would travel far
little did he know one day he'd truly reach the stars

If we set our sights high, and in ourselves believe
there truly is no limit to what we can achieve
when we look to Hashem for help then we can recognize
how His hand is guiding us each moment of our lives

The little boy grew older, developed into a young man
discovered words of Torah helped his world expand
this time a friend in need, a depth in Torah he'd explain
slowly he matured, his goals no longer were the same
he started wearing glasses, helped him gain clarity
in the words of the Gemara, they became his melody
he's learning in a Kollel now in the Holy land
with his wife and family, now he's there Superman.


Step It Up
