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Apr 1, 2010

Miami & YBC

There were two huge concerts that occurred tonight. They featured the two biggest boys choirs out there in Jewish music (although, how many choirs do we have already?).

The first concert, which was in Brookyln, is the Miami Boys choir with Shloime Gertner who recently released his second album, "Say Asay". Also, new singing sensation, Yoni Zigelboum will be featured, whom I assume will open up the show, much like Benny Friedman, who was the new singing sensation last year opened that show. Will Zigelboum reach the heights that Friedman did this year? Only time will tell. Also featured at this concert is a special presentation of "Ultimate Miami" a.k.a. Miami English songs on one album. If they are old songs, I sure hope they are rerecorded for the album and they aren't just thrown together as a mix. It sounds like a great show, but you never know! Last year there was the surprise of Begun losing his voice and the kids took over his singing roles, which was quite amusing and actually a really fantastic show!

Drive up the Belt Parkway and down the Van Wyck Expressway to Queens and you'll find there the Yeshiva Boys Choir. At this show YBC will be singing songs from their latest album "Sh'moy" and some songs never sung in concert, which may mean that they learned choreography to an old song like Tehilas Hashem from YBC 1 and are now performing it in concert, or perhaps they are debuting new songs. They will be surrounded by other singers, such as Eli Gerstner and Menucha. They are also listing Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner as a special guest star. Menucha just released their 2nd album entitle Sh'ma Yisrael. Should also have been an interesting concert.

Let me know if you went to one and you enjoyed it or if you think one is better than the other.

All the best,

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