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Apr 9, 2010

AKA Pella 4 - First Impressions and Sampler

A.K.A. Pella 4 took be my surprise. I liked their second album, but I didn't like the song choice so much. The first was good to and the third I never bought. The 4th one surpasses all of the other albums combined. This is by far, the best acapella album released to date.

This album is oozing with stars! Dovid Gabay, Mo Kiss, Shloime Kauffman, Beri Weber, Yossi Green, Shalsheles Jr., Kol Ish, and newcomer Simcha Leiner. I can't get over how good this album is!

My favorite song so far is Yovoh. Yes, that's the Miami Boys Choir's Yovoh sung by the AKA Pella guys. Listen to the sampler below and get ready for a review in the coming week or so.

1 comment:

Shims said...

Incredible album!


Step It Up
