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Apr 4, 2010

About to enter that time of year...

It's erev second days of Pesach and I have to get to shul within the next twenty minutes. I got ready extra early this time, just so I could get some quality listening time before I have to switch into acapella mode.

What have I listened to so far (which means that I love these songs the most at the moment)?

Yehuda - Generations of Song : Lechu Neranina
Menucha 2: Shiru Lashem

I'm sure I'll get a couple more songs in, however, I must say that I'm looking forward to A.K.A. Pella 4's release (which will probably be on repeat), as well as Ultimate Miami around Lag Baomer time.

As usual, I will be putting together a acapella playlist and feel free to shares yours as well. Also, be sure to check the S'fira list on the top of this website for all (I think) the acapella albums available.

Until next time, Chag Kasher V'sameach and be well!

And I did not forget that I owe you guys a Oorah 2010 review. It will come! :)


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