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Feb 21, 2010

JMDerech Experience - Avraham Solomon

I was a little hesitant about doing this report because it meant traveling through Brooklyn. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Brooklyn (seriously?), it’s full of a new beast called “the Brooklyn driver”. They’re fast, unpredictable and downright scary (no offense to Brooklyn drivers :P). Regardless, when I heard that Avraham Solomon, the famous soloist from the Miami Boys Choir’s Torah Today album, was going to be singing at this wedding, I decided it was worth endangering my life in Brooklyn traffic.

I show up at the chassunah and think about doing valet parking, however for those of you who haven’t tried this, just follow the valet driver and park behind him. They always know where the good spots are, assuming they aren’t parking in a private parking lot :). Anyway, I show up to the glamorous ballroom at Ateres Chynka and the 7 piece orchestra was warming up at the shmorg and they sounded great, just a taste of what they would sound like during dancing.

From the dinner music, all the way to the second dance, Avraham Solomon, who said he hadn’t done this in a while, sounded amazing and you would have thought that he did this kind of performance every night. He was hitting every note, high to low and with what seemed to be ease. The musicians were fantastic and played their instruments skillfully. I was very impressed with the saxophone player who put on quite a show. Unfortunately, I’m not so familiar with the wedding scene and don’t know the names of all the musicians. However, I did recognize that Mo Kiss, the leader of the Kol Noar Boys Choir was on lead guitars and was excellent, as can be seen in the video.

I highly recommend Solomon as a singer for your next simcha, not because I’m being paid to say that (I wish), but just because he was so professional and has an excellent voice to top it all off.

See below a video of the event and a link to the Torah Today album where Solomon first appeared on the JM scene.

JMDerech Experience Archive:

Ari Baumann & Singers

Shloime Kaufman

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