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Feb 6, 2010

Baryo Chakshur - Berachamim Single

Yehuda Nass, is the producer of Baryo a great talent in the music field who is already making an impact on the jewish music scene, with his composition of “Birshus” for Yaakov Shwekey and his various performances around Israel. They are now releasing his first single, an original composition of his very own entitled “Berachamim”. A very inspiring message with the matzav of today’s day and age the lyrics articulate a message of our request to Hakadosh Baruch Hu of having mercy on all of us and helping us out of the various tzaros which klal yisroel is finding itself in day in and day out. Baryo’s hope is this song will make an impact around the world and inspire yidden all across the globe. (via JI)

Download the song here (

And in case you missed it. Here is Baryo singing the Lubavitch Rebbe's "Anim Z'miros"

Download it here (

1 comment:

Jewish Wedding Music said...

It's interesting to see many songwriters are now becoming singers as well.


Step It Up
