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Sep 21, 2009

Yaakov Eliezer Garb – V’seorev Lefonecha Asiroseinu

This could be a pretty good album. From the promo clip, he sounds like Gertner a shtickel. I don't know if the compositions will be on par with Gertner's album though. All in all, looks like a good album for fans of music with a hemishe taam.

As for the covert art. I feel like I've seen this "man with a tallis" a billion times before. The graphics are still pretty cool.

MRM Music presents Yaakov Eliezer Garb in his debut album V’seorev Lefonecha Asiroseinu. This is a real heimishe album featuring 10 brand new songs and 1 yiddish chizik song. Check out the sampler below. To purchase of for more information please visit

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