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Sep 24, 2009

A Blog With Some TACHLIS!

My wife recently came across a blog that expounded upon the meaning of famous songs you hear often at chassunas. The author of the blog speaks about how he felt like "fake Jew" because of his lack of knowledge when it comes to understanding pesukim that are commonly used for chassuna songs. This blog is amazing. I urge everyone to check it out. (

Here's what his "About Me" page looks like.
I’m a Jew (B”H).But sometimes, unfortunately, I find myself being a fake Jew; and that really scares me. We live in the Olam Ha’asiyah, the world of action.We are given life on this earth to accomplish as much as we can in the short time we have, & then we live off the fruits of our labor for all of eternity. If I realize this, how is it that I can be fake? How is it that I can dance around in circles at my friend’s vort and close my eyes listening to the music, making myself look all serious & shtark, when in reality I have no idea what is being sung!? The answer is that I’m human, and my life is filled with nisyonos. The yetzer hara is constantly battling to make me do wrong. But not only that- he tries to distract me, and make even the good I do be fake, and therefore meaningless. So that is my Avodah; to battle this inclination towards being fake & to become real. That is why I made this blog. I’ve finally sat down and began to find the background on all these songs and I decided to share it with everyone, so just maybe, we can all make ourselves a little more real in our Yiddeshkiet than we were yesterday; because that's what it's all about. (via knowthewords)

1 comment:

CR said...

Hey JMDerech-thanks for helping "spread the words." Hopfully over bein hazmanim I'll have more time to post. Kol tuv and Gmar Chasima Tova!


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