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Sep 24, 2009

A Blog With Some TACHLIS!

My wife recently came across a blog that expounded upon the meaning of famous songs you hear often at chassunas. The author of the blog speaks about how he felt like "fake Jew" because of his lack of knowledge when it comes to understanding pesukim that are commonly used for chassuna songs. This blog is amazing. I urge everyone to check it out. (

Here's what his "About Me" page looks like.
I’m a Jew (B”H).But sometimes, unfortunately, I find myself being a fake Jew; and that really scares me. We live in the Olam Ha’asiyah, the world of action.We are given life on this earth to accomplish as much as we can in the short time we have, & then we live off the fruits of our labor for all of eternity. If I realize this, how is it that I can be fake? How is it that I can dance around in circles at my friend’s vort and close my eyes listening to the music, making myself look all serious & shtark, when in reality I have no idea what is being sung!? The answer is that I’m human, and my life is filled with nisyonos. The yetzer hara is constantly battling to make me do wrong. But not only that- he tries to distract me, and make even the good I do be fake, and therefore meaningless. So that is my Avodah; to battle this inclination towards being fake & to become real. That is why I made this blog. I’ve finally sat down and began to find the background on all these songs and I decided to share it with everyone, so just maybe, we can all make ourselves a little more real in our Yiddeshkiet than we were yesterday; because that's what it's all about. (via knowthewords)

My review of Ohad Moskowitz's "My Music"

(Via JMR)
Oh! It's Ohad! For those of you who haven't yet heard Ohad, allow me to fill you in. Ohad Moskowitz is from Israel and he has thee highest voice in Jewish music. It's seriously not normal how high he can go. This album entitled "My Music" is a testimonial to his tremendous vocal range. This album is of the "simcha" genre. It's filled with old, catchy songs, and attempts to sell you Ohad as a singer for your next simcha.

I was never impressed with Ohad's albums, only because I felt the compositions weren't so hot. However, Ohad himself is fantastic! Give him the same compositions you give Shwekey and watch him go to work. This album is Ohad's time to shine. Listen to how talented he is and bask in the presence of this gift of a voice that Hashem bestowed upon him.

Does he shine? Read on and find out!

I'm going to include a "SKIP" or "HEAR" next to each track to let you know my thoughts on whether or not I believe it's worth it to listen to that particular track.
Boee - (HEAR) There aren't many words to this song and I find it interesting that he started off an album full of fast songs with a classic slow song. First of all, the music in this song is terrific, as it is throughout the album. The arrangements are top notch and he kicks tuchus in this song! 2:23 and on is WOW! This is by far the best I've ever heard from Ohad.

Binyan Adei Ad - (HEAR) Everyone's favorite recent Lipa song is now in Ohad's hands. He sings it with a litvak's accent instead of the traditional chassidish accent. To tell you the truth, I like it more than Lipas. Hear him go crazy at 1:41 and on. Also, if you notice at 1:55, he uses MBD's "Usid" beat.

Shabichi - (HEAR) YBC time! The child soloist he chose for this album starts out on this song. His range appears to be as high as Ohad's - scary. The backup choir is amazing at the end of the track as well.

Ma Ma Ma - (SKIP) I'm so sick of Ma Ma Ma... hehe. No shtick in this song, just pleasant if you want to hear Ma Ma Ma for the umpteenth time.

Chavivin - (HEAR) This track is a chance for Ohad to get his energy out. Listen to how high he starts off the song.

Hentelach - (HEAR) Lift up your hand to your Father in heaven! He doubles his voice for the chorus of this song and it sounds great! Oh my gosh... Listen to 1:18, ridiculously good.

Kel Haodaos - (HEAR) Why is he starting off a Fried song with the music of Donna Summer's "hot stuff"...?(Don't ask how I know that song...) Regardless, he does an incredible job with this song.

Stop! - (HEAR) Why does this song start off with the music of Michael Jackson's (Baruch dayan HaEmes) "White & Black" song? This song is a little ridiculous, but Ohad sounds great. And it's cute how he ends the song.

Vihee Sheamda - (SKIP) It's not as good as the other versions of this song, but it's alright. He does have some nice Yeedle "Lakol Zeman" style guitar in the background though.

Odecha - (SKIP) Awesome electric guitar and a very short track.

Al Naharos Bavel - (SKIP) I feel like this song is better with a kids voice. Meydad Tasa is definitely the king when it comes to this song.

Vezakeni - (SKIP) This switching fast to slow songs isn't working so well. Something about the beat in this song during the low part is off. The choir harmonies are nice though.

Lecha Keli - (SKIP) Great musical arrangements - The downside is that there is no chance for Ohad to go crazy in this song.

Sheterachameni - (SKIP) :(

No Jew - (HEAR) Yeehaw! The intro music is like "The Farmer in the Dell"! Ohad is terrific in this song! A nice pickup after a bunch of terrible tracks.

Anovim - (HEAR) This version of Yossi Green's "Anovim" is faster, more pumped and Ohad goes crazy with the word "Omed". The music is once again terrific and Ohad does a solid job with this instant classic.

Yiftach Beamov - (EH, YOU CHOOSE) Acapella introduction and some killer keys! The actual song is nice as well. It's not such a great Ohad styled song. The words seem as if they are squeezed too.

Bayis Neeman - (HEAR) Ohad pulls a Yisroel Werdyger. He rocks this Illowitz composition. It's perfect for his voice and he throws in some nice shtick that enhance the song. After hearing this, I wish the original was on an Ohad album. The only problem is, he skips the "No Problemen" part. I love that part!

Matzliach - (HEAR) Ohad's versions of chassidish songs gone litvak continues. Ohad was stunning with Fried's "Aderaba", so why not "Matzliach"? Surprisingly enough, Ohad nails this song on the head. I think it's possible that Ohad is better then Fried at his own songs.

Niggun Americe - (SKIP) This track is mostly choir. Where's my Ohad!?

Kol Rinah - (SKIP) The last ten seconds of this track rock!

Mareh Cohen - (SKIP) The choir is too low in this track in comparison to Ohad. Ohad himself, handles the song well.

Ashrechem - (HEAR) It's a cool song, but Ohad sounds a little funny singing it. However, the high part is sensational! That's the "Muh Ohavti" part.

Es Dodi - (HEAR) Ahh, Baruch Hashem. Sefardi style. This is where Ohad shines! Some great sefardi chazzunos on this track. A great intro the the next section!

Rak Tefillah - (HEAR) More Avraham Fried! From his Rak Tefillah single that he released to all for download. Ohad is "WOW" on this track. I would like to see Fried & Ohad duet on this song.

Vaichun Am - (HEAR) Electric beginning. A great hora track. 1,2,3, kick left, kick right!

Elokim Sheli - (HEAR) Fast and short track. Great vocals & an amazing filler and then some!

Nigun Yishai - (SKIP) Only choir again.

Kinor David - (SKIP) The recording of the child soloist on this track sounds muffled. The music is however, fantastic once again.

Mabruk Alek - (SKIP) Not my style song. However, those who like hardcore sefardi music may enjoy it.

Yabbai - (SKIP) Same as last song.

HEAR = 17
SKIP = 14

Final Verdict:

There are a lot of new albums out there. If for some reason you really want a simcha album and you love Ohad, then by all means, go buy this album. When you compare it to Project X 3 & Non Stop Lipa, it just doesn't hold up. However, the first part of this album is really sweet!

Sep 23, 2009

Meydad Tasa NEW single - "Dimos/Tears"

First single from the new album | Photo: Shlager
(Paraphrased from the Shlager article)
Critics are saying that "Dimo/Tears" is Tasa's biggest hit since "Al Naharos Bavel". While Tasa finishes up his next album "Ben Shel Melech", his producer Aviad Gil, decided to release this single "Tears" from the upcoming album as a little taste of what we can expect.
(You can download the song HERE)
(View the official site for Meydad Tasa in English HERE)

KumZing DvD now available!

Shalom Vagshul of Haminagnam Orchestra, with Moishy Roth, bring you an evening of KumZing with Lipa Schmeltzer, Dovid Gabay, Berri Weber, Yosef Chaim Shwekey, Udi Davidi and Ori Avraham. Music produced and arranged by Moishy Roth. Features special guest Rabbi Chaim Banet. This Double CD and DVD & Digital Download will be available through Aderet Music and

Please note that the video quality on youtube is only a rip, the actual DVD quality will be much better! Buy it HERE!

Sep 21, 2009

Sheves Chaveirim UPDATE

Sheves Chaveirim is planned for Chanukah this year as Ari Goldwag has informed me.
Hear two previews of songs from this album on the podcast below by Ari Goldwag.

Tmimim Boys Choir - Tov Li - Available TODAY!

Whether or not this album is actually good, I'm excited for it's existence. The more albums with just a group of children voices on it, the better.

Also, be ready for these other upcoming albums:
Sheves Chaveirim (The sequel to the Bell brother's Sheves Achim).
Yitzi Bald Boys Choir
Shalsheles Jr. 2
Avi Newmark's group

The wait is over. The Tmimim Boys Choir debut album Tov Li is being released on Monday Tzom Gedalya.

Three long years of hard work have produced a master piece which is getting rave reviews from music lovers as well as from Chassidic Super star Avraham Fried who is very impressed with this album.
The album has a variety of song styles which is sure to please the music fans.
“Tmimim” the Sound of Today with Yesteday’s Soul.

Yisroel Werdyger - NEW single for tzedakah!

The song was composed by Motti Illowitz, Sung by Yisroel Werdyger, Music and Choir by Moshe Kraus, Mixed by Ruli Ezrachi, Produced by Gershy Moskowitz

Parnassah to the tune of $130,000

A weekly retainer in the amount of $1,250 – every week for two consecutive years. That’s the payoff of the new Parnassah Raffle. Do the math and you’ll arrive at a grand total of $130,000!

Would you like a chance at winning it? Enter here.

Entering the raffle is actually quite simple and the best part is that your donation supports a worthy cause. Proceeds go directly to Mosdos Bobov in Eretz Yisroel, enabling them to continue fostering Torah study throughout the land of Eretz Yisroel. Plus the Parnassah project is being undertaken as a zechus for the neshama of R’ Bentzion Dunner a”h.

I think this is an amazing opportunity for Tzedakah and Parnassah rolled into one, and I’ve not only entered the raffle, but I’ve signed up to help spread the word about it.

To purchase an entry ticket to the Parnassah raffle, please Click Here and you’ll not only be entered into the Grand Prize drawing but a bonus drawing every Rosh Chodesh for $1,000 cash. You’ll automatically be entered into the Bonus Drawing every month until the Grand Prize drawing will be held on March 10, 2010.

P.S. Don’t delay – the earlier you enter the drawing, the more chances you’ll have to win an additional $1000 each month.

MBD A -Z Report by Yossi Zweig - PART 2

Introducing the NEW A - Z Report series from Yossi Zweig. This the second in the series features the King of Jewish music MBD. Mordeche tells working with Yeedle, Lipa, and we go in depth to sings on his latest album "Kulom Ahuvim". Copying is of course, damaging the business. Hear what Mordche has to say on that topic. This is just part 2 of 3 so enjoy.

Yaakov Eliezer Garb – V’seorev Lefonecha Asiroseinu

This could be a pretty good album. From the promo clip, he sounds like Gertner a shtickel. I don't know if the compositions will be on par with Gertner's album though. All in all, looks like a good album for fans of music with a hemishe taam.

As for the covert art. I feel like I've seen this "man with a tallis" a billion times before. The graphics are still pretty cool.

MRM Music presents Yaakov Eliezer Garb in his debut album V’seorev Lefonecha Asiroseinu. This is a real heimishe album featuring 10 brand new songs and 1 yiddish chizik song. Check out the sampler below. To purchase of for more information please visit

Sep 17, 2009

CONCERT ALERT: YBC Live - Sukkos '09

EG Productions presents YBC LIVE! SUCCOS ‘09.



singing songs from their brand new album “Shmoy Shel Melech”


singing a all new song composed by Eli Gerstner


singing songs from his debut album


singing songs from his debut album


singing his own brand new song “V’zaro”



Tickets; $20, $25, $35, $50, VIP

For more information, Credit Card Sales & Group Rates please call EG Productions 718-853-9403

Sep 15, 2009

CONCERT ALERT: Miami Boys Choir & Baruch Levine

Wednesday, October 7th - Chol Hamoed Sukkos - 7:30 PM
State Theatre - 15 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick, NJ.
Tickets: $18, $25, $36, VIP - Groups & CC Orders 718-809-9744 -
Also note: The Cool Jew is giving away 2 free tickets!

Shua Kessin - Bye Bye Bye Single

Shua Kessin goes N'Sync with "Bye Bye Bye"!
Please enjoy this single from the brand new upcoming album premire, Lo Lihitya'eish. This debut album from Shua Kessin features 11 tracks. 9 of the tracks are composed by Shua, 1 by Yossi Toiv (Country Yossi) and this track, Bye Bye Bye, composed by David Kaufman. (Be'eilokim, Hareinu Mezamin, Hinei)

This album is expected to hit stores in the next 2-3 weeks. Included is the cover and an interview which was just featured in Country Yossi Magazine.

For updates and more upcoming information, please go to or follow Shua at

For promotional and booking info call 347-678-2536 or email Ozer Babad at

We invite you to send this full length single to all your friends and family.

Wishing you a Ksiva V'Chsima Tova!


דהוא אלהא קשוט ואוריתה קשוט,ומסגא למעבד טבון וקשוט
בה אנא רחיץ,ולשמה קדישא יקירא אנא אמר תושבחן

Download it here

MBD A -Z Report by Yossi Zweig

Introducing the NEW A – Z Report series from Yossi Zweig. This the first in the series features the King of Jewish music MBD. Mordeche tells about how production has changed over the years, the recent Event with Lipa, a anticdote with R’ Shlomo and about his almost 40 years in the business. Of course his latest smash hit Kulam Ahuvim his 30′th album (he thinks). This is just part 1 of 3 so enjoy.
(via JewishInsights)

Will your child be in the next Shalsheles Jr.?

“Shalsheles Jr.”

The the name speaks for itself, since the release of their debut album Shalsheles Jr. has performed in many concerts across the world including HASC and others.
We are in the studio working on the much anticipated 2nd album and we want to offer you the opportunity of a lifetime!
Do you or your son think he is on par to join the Shalsheles family???

We have ONE spot open for the right boy.
If you are 9-13 and would like to tryout please email us an audio track and contact info to

We look forward to hearing from all of you!
(via JewishInsights)

Sep 10, 2009

Shua Kessin - Lo Hisyaesh

Coming Soon!
For updates go to
or follow Shua at

Update on Aryeh Kunstler's NEW album

The word on the street (Facebook) is that Aryeh Kunstler's NEW and anticipated album will be released, G-d Willing, Chanukah time. Can't Wait!

Sep 9, 2009

Free Concert in Crown Heights

(via Mostlymusic)

Wednesday 09 September, 2009
Dovid Gabay, Benny Friedman, Berri Weber, Yosef Chaim Shwekey, Shloime Taussig, Dovid Stein & Chaim Fogelman

ColLive’s First Anniversary Hakhel Celebration

Sunday, September 13 2:00 pm-5:00 pm

Concert 2:15 pm sharp

Kingston Avenue between Montgomory and Crown Street.

Hachnosas Sefer Torah 5:00 pm sharp

for more information log onto

Hachnosas Sefer Torah: 5:00 pm sharp of the mispaleli kahal chassidim torah

Obstacle course at gymies fun station! Face art by pnina! cotton candy! popcorn! gifts! fun for the whole family!

Sep 7, 2009

My Aishes Chayil Redone

Here's the song (originally Mi Adir) I composed and sang at my chassuna for my kallah. I re-recorded the vocals. Anyone who wants to lend me some instruments and a recording studio would make my day! You can download this song here.
(Special thanks to Yitzchok L. of LevTec Media for the Cover art.)

My Shwekey 5 Review

Shwekey is back! and has delivered us with an album of 13, yes, that's right, 13 songs! 12 new and one older one re-recorded and remastered.

Once again, I will use the HOT/MILD/COLD system for my take on the songs.

Areivim - (HOT) Shwekey is back! This Yitzy Waldner composition is just the thing to get you back on your feet. The mix of quality arrangements and Shwekey's ridiculously high range is sure to get the blood flowing again! My favorite part is his transition from the refrain to the chorus when he says "oy BaTorah!". Listen for it a few times during the course of the track. My one issue with this song is it could have used about four less "Zeh klal gadol batorah" parts. The song is dragged on a bit. And by the way, 4:30 until 4:51 is "Shwekey gadlus".

Tshuva - (MILD) The multi-talented master composer Yossi Green lends a hand with his composition and vocals in this first traditional slow song on the new album. Truth be told, I've heard way better Yossi Green songs. It's very repetitive and would have been a bore if anyone but Shwekey sung it. It definitely has heart in it, but it's barely beating. Bold words, I know. But after listening to this song multiple times, it's still not giving me a g'shmak.

Veshochanti - (HOT) Wow! What an amazing introduction to this song! This is a song that Shwekey should be opening his concerts with. I wouldn't be surprised if we see just that. My question is, how many times can you say the word "Nu" in a song? If anyone wants to count it up and post it in a comment that would be so great and pretty funny! :) Back to the song: There's no intricate pattern to the way this song is handled, it's just a good song to get the crowd on its feet.

Mimkomcha - (HOT) Waldner is back again! And lately he has been on fire. First, he did almost the whole Avodas Tzedaka album (Shloime Kauffman) which was full of amazing songs and now this is his second song on the album and it's just as good as the first (Areivim), if not better! It's style is very similar to Min Hameitzar from Avodas Tzedaka. How? The way the song takes a 180 degree turn when the chorus sounds like a different song. Here's a fun fact: The chorus has the same chords as most Gerstner songs. Want proof? Try singing the beginning of the chorus of "The Chevra's" "Lecha", slowly to the chorus of this song. Sound similar? ;)

Natzliach - (COLD) S'fardi time! However, when you have previous s'fardi songs such as, Halo Yadata, Ata Shomer & Ki Hatov to name a few the bar is high. This song doesn't quite reach the bar in comparison to the songs previously mentioned. Craziest part is that this song is composed by Baruch Levine. Not the person you'd expect to compose a song of this genre. In fact, I wonder if Shwekey changed it from its original state. What would it have sounded without the sfardi pronunciation? Oh great, first I dislike Yossi Green's song & now Baruch Levine's. This can't possibly end well :P

- (MILD) This song is composed by someone I've never heard of: Shimon Swiatycki. It's chorus has the familiar words "Ein Od". Hold on a second, did Shwekey think he could pull a fast one on us? He just used these very words in "Ki Hashem" from his most recent album. That song was through the roof in goodness. So when I compare this new song to "Ki Hashem" it doesn't quite rack up. However, Shwekey hit's some serious notes in this song (4:31).

Ad Bli Dai - (HOT) Another Waldner song and the title track of this album. The intro feels like I'm listening to a broadway play (not that I've been to any of those, of course :P). The refrain is catchy and the chorus is even juicier! You can expect to hear these songs during second dance at a chassuna near you!

Illon - (MILD) A Yochanan Shapiro composition! Who is he? A member of the Acheinu group and composer of Shwekey's famous "Im Eshkacheich" from his "Yedid" album. The beauty of this song is its sing-ability. That's something you can't usually say about Shwekey songs. They are usually out of a normal persons range, but this song is a good song for all. Shwekey, of course, takes it to the next level and goes on keys higher than need be. However, he does make the song better with the keys he chose.

- (COLD) Classic Freilach. Enough said.

Tzadikim - (HOT) This song is filled with hartz. For a style comparison, think "B'soh" from Shwekey's "Yedid" album. In other words, it's "Shwekey Chazzunos". The lyrics are about the reason why Moshe Rabbeinu's gravesite was hidden from mankind. The reason is, if we were to find it and daven there, Moshe would arise and daven for us and it would end our golus. Why? Because the powers of a tzadik in shamayim is greater than when he was on earth. However, we still beg or tzadikim who have passed on to answer our pleas and daven for our redemption. I wrote a summary of the meaning of this song, because it makes the song all the more greater when you understand it.

Asher Boro - (HOT) The intro to this song is almost the same as "Ad Bli Dai". Think "Hiney" from Shwekey 2 when you hear this song. However, what makes this song better than "Hiney" is the middle part of the song (Siman Tov U Mazel Tov). Listen to this part to get your heat pumping. A great song for the treadmill! Start out at a normal pace and then go faster by the middle and slow down again for the high. I'm JMDerech and I approve this message.

Music of Forever - (MILDLY HOT) An English song! It's no "Shema", "Tatte" or "Mamma Rochel" but it has it's good parts, er, part. I like the song from 4:21 until the end. This part of the song is pure gadlus. Listen to the notes that Shwekey hits. Especially when he says "Lasts" at 5:01. Then "heart" at 5:14 and "forever" at 5:26.

Vehi Sheomdoh - (HOT) Everyone's favorite song from "Shwekey in Cesaria" is back and redone without Razel's vocals and the crowd in the background. In my opinon, this version is way better than the concert version.

HOT = 7
MILD = 3
COLD = 2

Final Verdict:

This is a must buy for all Shwekey fans and Jewish Music fans in general. It's definitely not his best album. For me, that was "Yedid". However, it's Shwekey people. How can you not buy an album from the best voice in Jewish music? He can make any song sound good. It's a gift of his and baruch Hashem we have the ability to listen to it on CD and MP3. GO BUY IT NOW BY CLICKING HERE!

Sep 4, 2009

It's the end of the world as we know it...

...Well, not quite. But it's the end of my iPod. My trusty 30gb iPod broke the other night after falling into a puddle of water. Now, all I get is a white screen. I no longer have a source of music for on-the-go, which is when I write all my reviews. Donations will be accepted in iPod ben JMDerech's memory. All proceeds will go to buying a new son, err... iPod.

Good Shabbos,

Sep 3, 2009


Step It Up
