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Apr 22, 2009

What's on your S'fira playlist?

Opening up my iTunes yesterday, I decided to create an acapella playlist for s'fira. Here's what I have!
As you can see (I hope), I used a number of A.K.A. Pella and Lev Tahor songs.
Just in case you can't see, my top 5 are:
Nar Hayisi - A.K.A. Pella
Oleinu - ABD
When the children sing - A.K.A. Pella
Anim Zemirot - Lev Tahor
Lecha Dodi - Six13

I don't have any of the new Six13 on yet, because I haven't had the chance to buy it yet. Although I do hear it's very good. LifeofRubin said he will be coming out with a review on it soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been listening to
SIX13 - vols 1-3
AKA Pella vols 1-3
Lev Tahor 1 & 3
A Chassidishe Acapellia (not so much though)
Vocalish (even less than the previously listed album)
Shabbos Acapella Treasury
Eli Gerstner and the Chevra Sefira Album
Kol Zimra sings the music of Abie Rotenberg and Kulanu Yachad
Suki and Ding - Songs of Jerusalem
and some Acapella tracks by ABD, Az Yashir, Yehuda Glantz, Piamenta and Kol Achai

my top 5 tracks:
Oleinu by ABD
Shiru Lamelech by SIX13
Na'ar Hayisi by AKA Pella
Acheinu by Kol Zimra
Boruch HaGever by Lev Tahor


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