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Apr 21, 2009

Take the platform son!

You've got to love kids! Although sometimes they can interfere with the daily happenings of our lives, they are too innocent and cute to stay upset at. As much as I would love to go on about the wonderful moments that coincide with childhood, I'd like to talk about something else. Something related. Something we call, their voices.

My first experience of hearing a child's voice on an album was back when I was a child myself. I had heard the Miami Boys Choir's, B'siyata D'shmaya, and the wonderful voice of Jonathan Paley. I thought to myself "Finally! No more annoying men's voices!" You see, I grew up without sisters, I don't recall my brother's singing, although they were in a choir (ya, I was a space out), and my mother never sang. Subsequently, I never experienced the wonderful feeling that comes with the innocence of a child's voice. However, once I did hear that classic Miami album, not only did I enjoy those melodious voices immensely, it made me want to aspire (I say want, because I don't know where to start!) to be a singer as well.

In more contemporary times, children voices have become in high demand. Children no longer remain in choir form. There are other options as well, such as: Shalsheles Jr. (group of four); Sheves Achim (two brothers); and solo artists Meydad Tasa & Simcha Levinstein. Not to mention the countless guest appearances by children on the latest albums (i.e. Ami Eller on Shea Rubenstein's Ohavti).

People, we need more of the above mentioned albums. Obviously the voices of the kids on those albums have probably matured by now, but the beauty of children is, there are lots of them! Among my circle of friends, all of them love Shalsheles Jr and Sheves Achim, and wish there were more of these albums. Yes, it costs a lot of money to make an album, however, these albums appear to be more successful than most. Why? Because people love hearing the gadlus of a child's voice.

There are kids out there producers, find em! :)

Notable voices (who's voices haven't matured) with videos:
Yoni Stern (ABD)
Ami Eller (Kol Noar Boys Choir)
Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner (Yeshiva Boys Choir)

(If you know of more kids with videos out there, let me know!)

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