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Apr 13, 2009

Post Choir Battle

This post is a follow up to my previous Choir Battle! post.

I was at the Miami concert, but not that YBC, so I will have to write this based on the videos from the YBC concert.

Video footage: YBC footage can be seen here. I couldn't find any Miami footage. I have some of my own, but the recording is a cell phone recording. I'm not sure anyone wants to hear or see it.

Miami - Most of the music was recorded, although "Azor Nah" was live and very sweet.
YBC - The Yosis Orchestra appeared to be in full blast. Very impressive.
Verdict- Neither of them beat Shwekey in Cesaria!

The Alumni - These guys were solid, way better than before, however, there were no new songs. It was kind of like watching older choir members (duh!) with all that fancy choreography.
Menucha - They're not the same without Waldman! (I know, he's been gone for a while). From the videos, they appeared to be top notch. The inclusion of 2 brand new songs was sweet.
Verdict - Alumni for entertainment, Menucha for song quality.

Solo Artists
Benny Friedman - He was on fire. I love his voice and he performed the songs given to him very well. One downside was that he didn't have any original compositions. That would have been nice.
Dovid Stein - From the video, he looked sort of stiff, but he sounded amazing. It was nice to hear songs from his album in concert. I heard him at the sukkos concert, and the sound wasn't so hot. Much better this time around.
Verdict - I don't know, I'm going to have to call this one a tie. Though both of their suits were pretty sharp! =)

(Going to need subcategories for this one!)
Miami -
Stage Presence - Amazing. Although the choreography seemed to tire out a few kids. The kids looked really happy.
Songs - Most from the new album, some classics as well, and they all sounded amazing.
Costumes - So many different types; sparkly and fun!
Yeshiva -
Stage Presence - Video clips aren't long enough to tell.
Songs - Same songs, with three new ones! Hamalach is the only one I heard, and it sounded nice.
Costumes - Sweaters! Every one loves sweaters! Especially on a night as cold as it was.
Verdict - I loved the Miami choreography, it for sure made the concert. I know a lot of work went into the costumes, but sometimes it's nice to keep it simple like YBC. I'm a fan of more new songs. Since the Miami album was entirely new, I felt I got my money's worth. YBC's inclusion of three new songs was a great addition as well. Can't wait for YBC 4! (THEY WERE BOTH GREAT)

Regardless of what I have said, or think, both Yerachmiel Begun and Eli Gerstner deserve a huge yasher koach for putting on spectacular performances!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was by both concerts and menucha put the alumni to shame. . the alumni were boring and menucha sounded tremendous, why doesnt the middle guy in menucha go solo??


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