Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Feb 13, 2009

What's on your playlist?

I have 2 separate lists. One for slow songs and one for fast songs. Here's my current top 10 on each.

Slow Songs
  1. Shir Hashluchim - Ohad! & Yossi Green
  2. Ozreinu - V'havienu 2
  3. Chasoif - Y.Werdyger, Y.Spinner, B.Friedman
  4. Shir Harachamim - Abie, Schwebel's, Lipa, S.Williger
  5. Im Eshkochaich - Menucha
  6. V'nikaisi - Nochi Krohn Band
  7. Neshama Lach - V'havienu 3
  8. D'ror Yikra - Lev Tahor (Harei Yehuda) (I know, not so slow...)
  9. Achas - Dovid Stein
  10. Al Naharot Bavel - Meydad Tasa
Fast Songs
  1. Rak Tefillah - Fried (Slow or Fast?)
  2. Atah Echad - V'havienu 3
  3. Ashrenu - Sheves Achim
  4. V'havienu - V'havienu 3
  5. Areivim - Shira Chadasha Boys Choir 2
  6. Shir Lismoach - Yehuda! & Piamenta (Voices for Israel)
  7. Ani Maamin - Yacov Young (Harei Yehuda)
  8. Muvtach Lo - Dovid Stein
  9. Hagomel - Gabay
  10. Lev Echad - Yeedle
What's on your playlist???

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