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Feb 11, 2009

V'havienu 3

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I'm a huge fan of V'havienu as a group. The first and second albums were amazing. However, on this one I noticed something was missing. Once I started listening to the songs, I was like "where's the guy with the amazing voice?" Who am I talking about? Yitzy "Scratchy" Yenowitz. I looked at the album cover again and lo and behold! Scratchy had gone missing. I decided to do some research, so I contacted Aryeh Kunstler via Facebook. Aryeh told me that "Scratchy" had moved to the West Coast so he was no longer with them =( Well, I couldn't just throw away the CD; besides, the Kunstlers have melodious voices as well! So I decided to give it a listen, and I was pleasantly surprised.


  • V'havienu - The first song and title track for this CD. This is the third time they are using the lyrics V'havienu as an opening track; go figure. They mixed the lyrics from the first and second albums. The low part is V'havienu Litzion (1), while the high part is V'havienu L'shalom (2). It's a very catchy song; I happen to like it more than the first two V'havienu's
  • Ki ata hu - This song is not good to listen to if you're feeling depressed; it has a very somber tone to it. It has alot of heart in it as well, and I really enjoy the chorus.
  • The Niggun - Everyone needs a niggun!!! A very enjoyable niggun to listen too. Other noteworthy niggunim - Niggun Neshoma, Niggun Nevoh, Kineret Niggun, Lazer's Niggun.
  • Neshama Lach - Wow... I love everything about this song. From the inclusion of the child vocalist to the whole serious tone to the song. It fits the words to the song perfectly. I would love to hear this done with "scratchy" included! But even so, amazing.
  • Mi Yidmeh - A very sweet song, and very beffitting for the lyrics. The soft harmonies give this song that "hot chocolate with the mini-marshmallows" feeling.
  • Od Yeshoma - A slow version of Od Yeshoma, that's a new one for me. It's a very "pretty" melody. It continues the tone of the CD with soft harmonies and deep voices.
  • Atah Echad - Yay!!! This song is so much fun. If you're driving on the highway or just sitting in your room this song get's you going or keeps you going.
  • Shomer Yisrael - The somber mood returns. It's a nice slow song and a little more in your face than the others. If you like V'havienu's style, you will like this.
  • Yevanim - This album came out around Chanukah, so might as well throw a song that relates to the day on it! It's a song from their Rebbe.
  • Shalom Rav - Somber once more. This is the one song on this album I'm not a fan of, however, I can still see people liking this.

In conclusion: This Album/CD is worth the buy. I don't think it's as good as the last one, but a very nice job was done with just the two Kuntsler brothers on it this time.

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