Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Feb 27, 2009

Debut Single from Berry Weber!

This is a full track of the new CD, the track is called - Bei’elokim. It’s composed by David Kaufman, Arranged by famed Israeli talent, Ruli Ezrachi. (Yeedle - Lev Echad) A music video will be coming up soon as well. Stay in touch with JMR for this exciting video!

(courtesy of JMR)

Feb 25, 2009

My Project X 3 Review

To read my Project X 3 review, check out The Jewish Music Report for the article! Enjoy, and be sameach b'chelko everyone!

Feb 24, 2009

Anavim sung by Meydad Tesa

What happens when you combine a vocal child prodigy with an amazing Yossi Green composition? You get Meydad Tesa singing Yossi Green's Anavim.
(courtesy of Shlager)

Tanna from ABD

Here's a song from the new album ABD!
This song is entitled "Tanna".
(courtesy of Shlager)

Feb 23, 2009

Camp Achdus 2008; Sound Check!

Check out the Camp Achdus 2008 video that I edited. What do you think, does the music fit the footage well? Watch how (mostly) the clips switch to the beat of the music. Let me know in the comments section!
P.S - If you like the camp, send your boys! click on the picture on top to reach the camp website.

Shloime Cohen is back!

Shloime Cohen is back with a chassunah album! Check it out!

Kol Noar Boys Choir Cover

Two words: I hear...

"The album and artwork are now by the duplicator and expected in stores next week! Please check out our recent interview with Bentzi Ptalis as he talks about the upcoming CD. This will be something groundbreaking on the Jewish music scene. It’s Jewish music - redefined.

Pick up the Purim issue of Country Yossi in stores on Friday Feb 27th to see the cover story on Kol Noar and learn much more about this amazing new group."

(courtesy of Jewish Music Report)

Feb 22, 2009

My Acheinu 3 Review

To check out my review on Acheinu 3, check out the Jewish Music Report where it was published. Hope you enjoy it!

Need a design? This guy's got talent!

Hey! Have an event coming up, and need a banner made? Perhaps you need a website designed for your business? Are you coming out with an album and need some "shpitzed out" cover art? Well good news! I found the guy for you! Sruly Meyer from the Sameach Music Podcast. He has a website,, Go check it out! Become a owner of his works. Get "shpitzed out!"
Here are some screenshots of his work:

Feb 18, 2009

Dancing at a Mixed Chassunah. Wait...what?

Caught your attention? No mixed dancing going on here! What I meant was, here are three new cd's that genre can be considered "Dance, Mix, Chassunah." Gotcha! =D
  1. Project X III - Yochi Briskman/Shloime Daskal

  2. Non Stop Lipa - Sheya Mendolwitz/ Lipa Schmeltzer

  3. The 2nd Dance - Yitzy Schwartz/ Various Artists

Where's Sameach at the Wheel 3?

Feb 16, 2009

Hey! do I get a shot as well!?

Oorah's version of "American Idol" is over. The winner? Yonatan Shlagbaum (Here's a link to the article, courtesy of Lifeofrubin). I always wondered how they determine the winner. Who is voting for these guys? How many submissions of different hopefuls do they receive?

Maybe I should give it a try!? Here's a rendition of me singing Tov Lehodos. (I'm doing the harmonies as well.)

Or perhaps I should find a different career? lol.

(Yes I know I'm saying U'Lhagid... it just fits better! =D)

Feb 15, 2009

Gadlus Gamar

The Nochi Krohn Band singing V'nikaisi.


Nachamu from V'havienu. I'll have a version with my choir singing it up soon!

Feb 14, 2009

You know what... Overdone?

I happen to love Al Naharot Bavel from Meydad Tasa, however I feel there is a threshold to how far this song should go, or any song for that matter. Not to mention the fact that the words to this song are describing how we have lost the Beis Hamikdash and we shall not forget it. I'm not qualified to judge, but in my opinion, making this song into a club song is a bit much...

Feb 13, 2009

What's on your playlist?

I have 2 separate lists. One for slow songs and one for fast songs. Here's my current top 10 on each.

Slow Songs
  1. Shir Hashluchim - Ohad! & Yossi Green
  2. Ozreinu - V'havienu 2
  3. Chasoif - Y.Werdyger, Y.Spinner, B.Friedman
  4. Shir Harachamim - Abie, Schwebel's, Lipa, S.Williger
  5. Im Eshkochaich - Menucha
  6. V'nikaisi - Nochi Krohn Band
  7. Neshama Lach - V'havienu 3
  8. D'ror Yikra - Lev Tahor (Harei Yehuda) (I know, not so slow...)
  9. Achas - Dovid Stein
  10. Al Naharot Bavel - Meydad Tasa
Fast Songs
  1. Rak Tefillah - Fried (Slow or Fast?)
  2. Atah Echad - V'havienu 3
  3. Ashrenu - Sheves Achim
  4. V'havienu - V'havienu 3
  5. Areivim - Shira Chadasha Boys Choir 2
  6. Shir Lismoach - Yehuda! & Piamenta (Voices for Israel)
  7. Ani Maamin - Yacov Young (Harei Yehuda)
  8. Muvtach Lo - Dovid Stein
  9. Hagomel - Gabay
  10. Lev Echad - Yeedle
What's on your playlist???

Achdus You Uplift Me!

This short track is going on this year's Camp Achdus DvD. It's not professional, no making fun of my recording!

Feb 12, 2009

re-releasing Shir Harachamim from BAIS EZRA

This song was released for free through The Yeshiva World; I think a lot of people may have missed it. Here's the text from the article and the song itself.

YWN EXCLUSIVE: New Hit Song by Abie Rotenberg for Project EZRAH

December 11, 2008

pe.jpg(”MUST-HEAR” AUDIO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) 10:00AM EST: This Motzei Shabbos will be the annual dinner benefiting the organization known as Project EZRAH. Project EZRAH, especially in these times, would like to do whatever it can to inspire each and everyone of us to be there for each other. They commissioned the attached song which they would like to share with klal Yisrael.

The song was composed by Abi Rotenberg, featuring Abie Rotenberg, Lipa Schmeltzer, Rivie Schwebel, Srully Wulliger and introducing the newest and youngest edition to the Schwebel music family, Avrohmi Schwebel.

This magnificent song was arranged by Yisroel Lamm, and produced by Sheya Mendlowitz.
The song was first released this morning on the Nachum Segal Radio Show, and now on the Internet via Yeshiva World News for the first time.

If you would like to find out more about this wonderful organization, please visit their website,

This kid's got a voice! (Ami Eller)

The harmonies starting at 2:45 in the video will forever be stuck in my head every time I hear V'hoo...

Feb 11, 2009

V'havienu 3

Here's a preview from

I'm a huge fan of V'havienu as a group. The first and second albums were amazing. However, on this one I noticed something was missing. Once I started listening to the songs, I was like "where's the guy with the amazing voice?" Who am I talking about? Yitzy "Scratchy" Yenowitz. I looked at the album cover again and lo and behold! Scratchy had gone missing. I decided to do some research, so I contacted Aryeh Kunstler via Facebook. Aryeh told me that "Scratchy" had moved to the West Coast so he was no longer with them =( Well, I couldn't just throw away the CD; besides, the Kunstlers have melodious voices as well! So I decided to give it a listen, and I was pleasantly surprised.


  • V'havienu - The first song and title track for this CD. This is the third time they are using the lyrics V'havienu as an opening track; go figure. They mixed the lyrics from the first and second albums. The low part is V'havienu Litzion (1), while the high part is V'havienu L'shalom (2). It's a very catchy song; I happen to like it more than the first two V'havienu's
  • Ki ata hu - This song is not good to listen to if you're feeling depressed; it has a very somber tone to it. It has alot of heart in it as well, and I really enjoy the chorus.
  • The Niggun - Everyone needs a niggun!!! A very enjoyable niggun to listen too. Other noteworthy niggunim - Niggun Neshoma, Niggun Nevoh, Kineret Niggun, Lazer's Niggun.
  • Neshama Lach - Wow... I love everything about this song. From the inclusion of the child vocalist to the whole serious tone to the song. It fits the words to the song perfectly. I would love to hear this done with "scratchy" included! But even so, amazing.
  • Mi Yidmeh - A very sweet song, and very beffitting for the lyrics. The soft harmonies give this song that "hot chocolate with the mini-marshmallows" feeling.
  • Od Yeshoma - A slow version of Od Yeshoma, that's a new one for me. It's a very "pretty" melody. It continues the tone of the CD with soft harmonies and deep voices.
  • Atah Echad - Yay!!! This song is so much fun. If you're driving on the highway or just sitting in your room this song get's you going or keeps you going.
  • Shomer Yisrael - The somber mood returns. It's a nice slow song and a little more in your face than the others. If you like V'havienu's style, you will like this.
  • Yevanim - This album came out around Chanukah, so might as well throw a song that relates to the day on it! It's a song from their Rebbe.
  • Shalom Rav - Somber once more. This is the one song on this album I'm not a fan of, however, I can still see people liking this.

In conclusion: This Album/CD is worth the buy. I don't think it's as good as the last one, but a very nice job was done with just the two Kuntsler brothers on it this time.

Politz Hebrew Academy Boys Choir Sings Hamalach from V'havienu


Step It Up
