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Dec 24, 2009

Window in Heaven Contest - WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

After listening again and again through all of the entries. A winner has been decided.

The winner of the Window in Heaven contest & a brand new iPod touch is...


Listen to his version below!

One behalf of myself and Shea Rubenstein, we'd like to thank all of the people who contributed their own version of Window in Heaven. Stay tuned in to JMDerech for more contests in the future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, we are the Kol Lev Band, from Brazil, and would like to present our work.

Well known prays with modern arrangements, causing great impact on who listens. Bringing or renewing spiritual elevation.
All the songs are singed in hebrew but with a touch of rock, reggae, disco and flamenco. The setlist includes what is the most representative on classics hebrew prays.
We're doing a unique work, and we are sure you will love the band.

Our site is in

We await your return.
Sincerely, Kol Lev Band.


Step It Up
