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Dec 23, 2009

Jewish Music Blogger Awards - 2009

Via: Jewish Music Report

Last year, YK of organized a Jewish Music Bloggers Awards where he gave both his readers and several Jewish music bloggers an opportunity to vote on their favorites in a number of categories. It was an exciting process to be able to vote for your favorites, read the opinions of some of Jewish music’s best known bloggers and finally see the winners when they were announced. YK was hoping that the Jewish Music Bloggers Awards would become an annual event and has asked us to host this year’s awards. We are so honored to be a part of this exciting event!
We have come up with a list of categories and are giving you, the readers, until Sunday night to nominated your favorites in each category.

Once we have firmed up the list, we will post it on our website and you will have ten days to vote for your favorites. During this period, we will be posting picks from a number of Jewish music bloggers who have graciously volunteered to share their opinions. After that, we will narrow the poll down to three finalists in each category, before we finally tally up the votes and proclaim the winners.

Below are the categories for this year's awards. Who would you like to see nominated in each category? Let us know at We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Best Album
  • Best Song
  • Best Debut Album
  • Boys Choir Album
  • Best Arrangement
  • Best English Song
  • Best Yiddish Song
  • Best Concert DVD

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