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Nov 24, 2009

If you have to pick ONE concert this Chanukah...

Most of us yidden don't have the money to go to a bunch of concerts so we have to choose wisely. Baruch Hashem, there's an obvious choice on which concert to attend. You want superstars that are more than just good performers, that are actually good singers? What I am saying is, music is about the sound. If you, chas v'shalom couldn't see and could only hear, you go to the concert with the best voices and that is most pleasant on the ears. For that reason, I choose the Shwekey concert. Shwekey, Baruch Levine and Abie? What could go wrong with that? Yes, I know the MBD concert looks promising, however it's on a motzei shabbos. Many of us go away to relatives, in-laws, or whatever for shabbos Chanukah. We may be in hicktown (because everyone's spouse is from a hicktown!) while the show is in NY. There's no way we're rushing back home for a concert at 8:30PM. Too much driving in Brooklyn traffic and then waiting in line and then driving some more and then having MBD's Kulam Ahuvim stuck in your head while you're trying to fall asleep in bed. Not gonna happen! I'd rather come home on Sunday from my relatives, this way I can spend quality family bonding time with them motzei shabbos, and be back for an amazing Shwekey concert! Now if only I could get the Shwekey people to pay me for advertising for them... Just kidding! Seriously, think about it, this concert is going to rock! Nu Nu Nu Nu!


maivin said...

Actually i would have to completely disagree with what you said
1rst of all the shwekey concert is in Manhattan,who in the world will want to drive to manhattan on a sunday
2nd, Shabbos Chanukah getaways are mostly on the first shabbos not the second which is the motzie shabbos of the MBD show
3rd im sorry but not even shwekey comes close to MBD and the other performer are alot better that abie and levine
so i think we can all agree the MBD show is the place to be
Im definitly going and anyone that i know said the same

JMDerech said...

1st of all, driving to Manhattan is what I do. That's how I dated my wife. It's not nearly as bad as Brooklyn.
2nd Perhaps Shabbos Chanukah is the first shabbos for you, but not for me.
3rd Don't apologize, MBD is better than abie and levine but not Shwekey. He used to be, but his career is coming to an end because his voice is going.
Enjoy your MBD show. To everyone their own opinion.

Agree with maivin said...

I also agree with Maivin
I mean Mr. Derech you dont sound like youv been to Manhattan before
thats the last place you want to be driving to. Theres a reason why the are thousands of yellow cabs there and I dont see what dating has to do with anything of course ull go to Manhattan bc thats were all the fancy places are.
Also Shwekey is so horrible live,Has no idea how to stay on pitch,which is a fact everyone will tell you and is a pretty dull performer thank gd he has a voice and thats putting it nicely
Mbd has presence and is the greatest at putting down songs and a show.
So its Mbd for me too

JMDerech said...

Like I said, to everyone their own opinion.
I drove to Manhattan because that's where I picked her up :).

I went to a Shwekey concert in the past and he sounded terrific. Maybe it's a recent thing that he hasn't been sounding good or maybe you have other agendas for pushing the MBD show. Regardless, I stand by my original opinion. Besides, I probably won't be going to either. Concerts are out of my budget. Let me know how the MBD show goes:).

Anonymous said...

MBD rocks
Shwekey is nu nu

Anonymous said...

Here is my 2 cents,
Shewekey today vs MBD today , I would agree Shweky puts out better quality albums, but as we concert goers know a live proformance is a whole different bowl of wax. MBD's presence on stage has a much greater entertaining effect on the crowd regardless of a voice nearly all but gone.
MBD & Shwekey Fan


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