Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Nov 26, 2009

Sheves Chaveirim - Preorder NOW & SAVE!!!

It is an album that continues where Sheves Achim left off. (Look out for Sheves Achim volume 2 in the future!) The album features six child vocalists - Moshe Bell, Yair Frohlich, Moshe Dov Goldwag, Shlomo Lipman, Zev and Baruch Sheff. It contains twelve songs, two in English. It is the culmination of a production that stretched for over a year. I composed 11 out of the 12 songs, with the twelfth song being a classic Shlomo Carlebach song. It is my hope that you will find inspiration in the music, and that it will bring you to heightened levels of closeness to Hashem. Biezras Hashem, the album should be in stores before Chanukah.

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