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Aug 26, 2009

Yossi Fraenkel - Shira Besimcha

Crown Heights-based singer Yossi Fraenkel has released his first album "Shira Besimcha." It was co-produced by Shloimy Zeiger and the singer. he presents a preview audio clip.

Jewish singer Yossi Fraenkel has recently released his first CD "Shira Besimcha."

The Crown Heights-based performer announced earlier this year that he will perform for Shluchim events during 2009 for free.

“Chabad Houses and other charities face so many obstacles in the current economic crisis, with more people in need, and fewer donations pouring in,” Yossi explained.

“I want to give back to the Rebbe whose bracha and dollar accompanies me at every show, as well as all those who give to others.”

His magnanimous offer extends to all charities and nonprofit organizations who seek to enhance their events with professional vocal entertainment.

Organizations seeking to accept his generous offer should contact Yossi Fraenkel by visiting his website,
Alternately, he can be reached at 917-677-4545.

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