Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Aug 5, 2009

Mi Adir - A JMDerech composition

I'm getting married and I'm so happy!

I composed this song for my kallah to be sung under the chuppah, which will hopefully be sung by my brothers.

I do all the vocals and it was recorded with GarageBand for mac and a cheap computer microphone. Nothing special, but I wanted to post it so everyone could share in the simcha with me!

(Special thanks to Moshe S. for his talented keyboard playing.)

Download them by clicking the Divshare logo on the music player.

Mi Adir

Mi Adir (Acapella)


Psycho Choir Mom said...

Wow...we are all so happy for you. Your kallah is one lucky girl!

Zevi said...


Unknown said...

wow nice song i wish i could download it and sync it to my ipod so i can hear it more often


Step It Up
