Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

May 11, 2009

Shloime Taussig - Sampler & Pre-Order

Shloime Taussig's new CD titled "Modim Anachnu" is scheduled to be out for Shavuous. Modim Anachnu, the title track, is sure to be an instant classic. The album, produced by Gershy Moskowitz and Yossi Tyberg will have 12 songs, and feature the professionalism & passion you've come to expect from this dynamic duo.

The CD features two songs from the master of song, Yossi Green, including the album's title track. The CD also has songs from Lipa, Dudi Kalish, Pinky Weber and many hot, new composers such as Motti Ilowitz, Meshulam Greenberger, Shragy Gestener, Yoel Polatsek, Heshy Fuchs & Avrumi Berko.The CD features arrangements by Naftali Mendlowitz, Ruvi Banet and Shua Fried (coming off the huge success of Yisroel Werdyger's album.)

Click Here to Pre-Order the CD Now

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