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Jan 26, 2010

New Lipa Song

I'm personally not a fan of Lipa, mostly because of the language barrier. I just don't understand yiddish. He is a great entertainer though! Here's a new song sung by him at a melava malka. It will be featured on his upcoming album.

On Motzei Shabbos during a Mekimi's Anual Volunteer Reunion event, Lipa Schmeltzer surprised the audience with a brand new song.
The song which is called "Ein Git Vort" will be on his upcoming album and was composed by Sholi Grossman from Monsey who has been a big help to Lipa throughout his previous albums.
The song in Yiddish, describes the power each and every one of us possess, the power of speech.
As people tend at times to forget or altogether underestimate the power of the tongue, we must be reminded the verbal power we each have. What one Git Vort can accomplish and Chulilia the harm one Shelcht Vort can do!
(via YouTube user Shiezoli & Gruntig!)

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