Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Mar 25, 2009

Choir Battle!

This is actually really exciting! Two amazing choirs; two amazing concerts!

What I'm most excited about!
Miami Concert:
The brand new songs; The Alumni (they're back!?); Guest Starts (Miami always has good guest starts)
YBC Concert: Three brand new songs!? (Nice!) Menucha (Hello!? Two new songs from the "upcoming album". When's that coming out anyway!?)


Anonymous said...
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JMDerech said...

Sorry Ano, no Loshon Hora! =)

Anonymous said...

You need to study the rules about Loshon Hora my friend. This is an advertisement of Sheker! That IS allowed? I never mentioned names at all! I just pointed out an out-right lie! You are wrong in your censorship - and this entire blog is a joke if you will cover up things. Go read the Halochos - you are out of your league here

Anonymous said...

They've added benny friedman and yehuda green!

abeg24 said...


Can we get a post concert write up on the "Choir Battle" you teased us with?


Step It Up
