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Oct 12, 2008

Meydad Tesa (Al Naharot Bavel)

Meydad Tesa is a child star, from Israel, who with the help of Gad Elbaz put out a CD. He has an outstanding voice and one of a kind. Buy the CD here.

  • 1. Al Naharot Bavel - An impressive song, where he demonstrates his range and vocal talents. He pulled a Shwekey here, with a slow song to start off the album. See the video here - Al Naharot Bavel
  • 2. Hazman Katzer - One Word; Amazing.
  • 3. Choneini - Another great slow song, see the video here - Choneini
  • 4. Tofes Ati - Clearly a Sefardi dance song and a hora. This song can be addictive, especially the way his voice pulls in you into it.
  • 5. Mother - Memorize these lyrics and sing this heart-warming song to your mother before you ask for anything. I believe experts say your chances go up %20.
  • 6. Ohr Gadol - Techno - Not the best song in the world, but great to listen to while exercising.
  • 7. Veohafta - I wasn't a big fan of this song for a while. But then it hit me like a ton of bricks. It's just too good to pass up.
  • 8. Shema Koleinu - The weakest of the slow songs on the album. But that doesn't say much, considering there are only four of them. Still, not a song I would skip.
  • 9. Esa Einai - It's another pumping techno song. Sounds kind of like this Shir Hamalos.
  • 10. Shema Yisrael - This song annoys me so much. If you have an appreciation for the israeli take on chazzanos, by all means listen. I don't appreciate the fact he uses HaShem's name either.

Overall this CD is worth buying. So fork out the cash, don't go taking songs from others. The destruction of the Jewish Music Industry would be no good.

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