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May 31, 2010

It's been a while + Recent Releases

Life happens... Life does things that prevent you from doing the things you love and sometimes there's no excuse, sometimes I was just lazy. Whatever the reason is, I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy or lazy and I've mainly focused on writing reviews, one which will appear this week on JMR ( Either way, I'm back! Not like I used to be, but I hope to get some more postings up.

In other news, here are the recent releases...

Shimon Craimer (Nashir Beyachad) -
This album sounds very different than the mainstream Jewish music album, which in my opinion is good. I plan to write a review on it, and to tell you the truth, I don't know if it's going to be me raving about how good it is, or my concerns with it (probably, because I haven't gotten the album yet).

Lipa Schmeltzer (Meimka DeLipa) -
I don't know what to think about this album, I've never been a huge fan of Lipa's music, mostly because of the language barrier (I can't speak or understand Yiddish), and subsequently, I can't sing these songs, because I can't get the words down. However, I can not deny Lipa's talent. He's like a bundle of energy and talent being released everywhere! 16 songs seems like too much and I've been told that it would have been better if they just cut out some songs and left you with 10-12 solid songs. I haven't bought this album yet, and I'm not sure if I will, but if someone wants to send me the album to review, by all means :). I will definitely give a real, unbiased review.

Aryeh Kunstler (Our Eyes Are On You) -
I actually bought this album and I can't get enough of it. Funny thing is, I'm not usually a fan of alternative Jewish music, but Kunstler's talent is undeniable. Look for my review coming soon on JMR. The album is due out May 31st, today!

Miami Boys Choir (Ultimate Miami) -
This is a good pickup for anyone who hasn't purchased the Miami albums over the years. I would have preferred Miami hits over the course of history, rather than Miami English songs. However, they still had some great English songs. I'm probably not going to buy this album, only because I already own the entire Miami Boys Choir collection, give or take a few. I can live without the digitally remastered versions.

There was also a chassidshe album by the Shira Choir (which includes Beri Weber), not exactly my genre, so I will likely not pick it up. Also, the Moshav Band released a new album, also not my genre, and I will not be picking it up. Sandy Shmuely released a new album as well, but it doesn't have enough songs on it for me for the $15 price. Also, it's not exactly to my taste as well. But I wanted to you to know that these albums are available and you may like them! Click on the links and have a listen.

See you later!

May 2, 2010

Here's what to expect!

Lag Baomer is here and here's what to expect in the coming weeks/months!

Miami Ultimate (English collection) is due out.

Aryeh Kunstler - Our Eyes or Are On You -

Shimon Craimer 2

Lipa's new album

Don't miss the concerts scattered around the U.S. today! I will... I have a wedding to attend. But there's gonna be music there!

Have fun!


Step It Up
