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Apr 28, 2010

Can we achieve the same?

Lag Baomer is almost here. Sunday for those of you who are out of touch. I have been doing a lot of listening to acapella over the course of s'fira so far and let me tell you, it gave me a real opportunity to listen to certain songs, mostly because the song selection isn't so huge for acapella. There's one song that really struck a chord and is beyond better than the average song out there in the JM industry.

That song is Sunshine in the Rain by Shloime Kauffman & A.K.A. Pella.

From the beginning until the end, this song sends tingles throughout your chest, warming you heart to its core. The harmonies; the "music"; the vocals; the everything; it just beats every acapella song out there and very possibly, every English song in JM. I know Journeys lovers will disagree, but this song has such emotion that I've never had any other song bring out before.

If you haven't picked up Shloime Kauffman's debut album yet, you're slightly drunk and definitely missing out. That and A.K.A. Pella Platinum are unbelievable. Both feature Sunshine in the Rain.

Apr 22, 2010

Albums Coming Soon...

Shades of Green II - Yossi Green is back with another mix of his hit songs and possibly some new ones. (Summer Time)

Our Eyes Are On You - Aryeh Kunstler is finally here with a follow up album to his hit debut album. (Lag B'aomer Time)

Shimon Craimer - His 2nd album is almost here and it looks promising! Can't wait to hear what he has in store for us! (Lag B'aomer Time)

Apr 18, 2010

Journal Entry 3: Absence

I do apologize to my readers for my lack of posts, but let's face it... there's nothing to post about right now. Sure, I can post random videos and pictures like other blogs or sites, but why should you have to see them here too?

I want new material!

I don't want another picture of some random singer or a video of a chassunah filmed with a cheapy camera! Can you hear that? I want some news... Sadly, there's not much news happening.

I'm going to post 2 more free acapella songs soon, so look forward to that. Other than that, I'll be here scratching my sefira beard and playing A.K.A. Pella Platinum...


Apr 15, 2010

2 Acapella songs from Ari Goldwag

Ari Goldwag has released on Aderet's website,, 2 songs for a dollar each.

The first song is the hit song Ogil from Sheves Achim, with the original vocals, with some backup acapella by Goldwag as a substitute for the music.

The second song is Goldwag and his son Moshe Dov singing Aleinu, a song from his Lishuascha Kivinu album.

Check em out!

Acapella Playlist Returns


I had to revamp my playlist with updated songs from last years playlist. I want to know what you have on your playlist. Leave it in a message in the comments section. :)

Apr 11, 2010

Sefira Free Downloads - All at once!

You asked for it, and now you got it!

I combined all the free songs from the sefira list into one downloadable file.


Not yet on the file are 4 new free sefira songs! (Thanks to Yaakov W.)

Apr 9, 2010

AKA Pella 4 - First Impressions and Sampler

A.K.A. Pella 4 took be my surprise. I liked their second album, but I didn't like the song choice so much. The first was good to and the third I never bought. The 4th one surpasses all of the other albums combined. This is by far, the best acapella album released to date.

This album is oozing with stars! Dovid Gabay, Mo Kiss, Shloime Kauffman, Beri Weber, Yossi Green, Shalsheles Jr., Kol Ish, and newcomer Simcha Leiner. I can't get over how good this album is!

My favorite song so far is Yovoh. Yes, that's the Miami Boys Choir's Yovoh sung by the AKA Pella guys. Listen to the sampler below and get ready for a review in the coming week or so.

Apr 4, 2010

About to enter that time of year...

It's erev second days of Pesach and I have to get to shul within the next twenty minutes. I got ready extra early this time, just so I could get some quality listening time before I have to switch into acapella mode.

What have I listened to so far (which means that I love these songs the most at the moment)?

Yehuda - Generations of Song : Lechu Neranina
Menucha 2: Shiru Lashem

I'm sure I'll get a couple more songs in, however, I must say that I'm looking forward to A.K.A. Pella 4's release (which will probably be on repeat), as well as Ultimate Miami around Lag Baomer time.

As usual, I will be putting together a acapella playlist and feel free to shares yours as well. Also, be sure to check the S'fira list on the top of this website for all (I think) the acapella albums available.

Until next time, Chag Kasher V'sameach and be well!

And I did not forget that I owe you guys a Oorah 2010 review. It will come! :)


Journal Entry 2: Dual Roles

You ever wonder why you were put in certain situations and then all of a sudden it just hits you like a ton of bricks?
It took me a little while to catch on, but in the end I managed to learn something very disturbing that hit me in the gut.

I'll try to catch you up.

So I was a choir director for an orthdox school, from which I developed a mentor type of relationship with the boys in my choir. Therefore, I could tell when something was amiss with one of them. It was Friday night and maariv was being said in the shul but I had to be outside of the shul in the hallway because there were no seats left (no I was not late, I gave up my seat for an elderly man). When I got out there, what caught my attention hurt me. A number of boys were standing outside the shul chatting. Boys who were old enough to daven and surely knew how to, yet they stood "shmoozing" as if they were at a friends house, completely neglecting the davening. I nudged one of the boys and asked him if he would say the paragraph "Vayichulu" with me and he did without looking in. He knew it "by heart". I then asked him if he knew what the paragraph meant, he replied in the affirmative, but when I asked him if he could translate it for me, he said to me "translate? I don't do English".

Ouch. Could it be? Could it be that there's not a focus on making sure the children understand what they are saying?

And we wonder why so many children/adolescents lose their identity? Now that I think of it, I was not given an explanation of the davening as well. It was something I had to self-teach myself and I struggle with the explanation to many paragraphs to this very day!

Think about it, he's davening three times a day out of habit and he doesn't know what he's saying the whole time? No wonder he's not interested in davening and would rather chat with his friends!

It was like the whole world was crashing in on me at once, like one big understanding swept over me. I'm sure the rebbeim do their best, but if they don't or even if they do, the chinuch (education) has to continue at home or these kids just won't care. Think about how many adults you see at shul who are on their blackberry's or are fiddling with something. If adults cant concentrate on their davening (which may be because they don't understand the significance) then with children, all the more so!

Something is very very wrong with this picture...

I'm sure the gedolim are aware of such situations, there are just so many distractions out there now that it's nearly impossible to keep one interested in davening. Even if it's only a half hour...

So here's the big question. Why is this on a music blog? What am I ranting about?

I found a way that to connect myself to the pesukim (verses) of the siddur (prayer book). Through song of course! So many contemporary songs take famous pesukim and use them as songs. Sure, they don't really make sense most of the time with the tune but they are catchy! For instance, Lecha Hashem Hagedula from The Chevra doesn't fit with the meaning of the words at all. I'm pretty sure G-d doesn't need us praising his great powers in the style of a rock song. However, the song is catchy and it led me to the next step, which was to find the meaning. So now, whenever that phrase is mentioned in davening (prayers) I think of the song, which in turn leads me to thinking about the meaning of the verse, which subsequently lead to a more inspirational davening for myself.

So next time you hear a song, open up the booklet that came with the album and most of the time it says the source of the passuk. Find that passuk and read the meaning and every subsequent time you read that passuk it will give you a better understanding of your religion and ultimately bring you closer to G-d. Which in my opinion, is a good place to be. :)

Apr 1, 2010

Miami & YBC

There were two huge concerts that occurred tonight. They featured the two biggest boys choirs out there in Jewish music (although, how many choirs do we have already?).

The first concert, which was in Brookyln, is the Miami Boys choir with Shloime Gertner who recently released his second album, "Say Asay". Also, new singing sensation, Yoni Zigelboum will be featured, whom I assume will open up the show, much like Benny Friedman, who was the new singing sensation last year opened that show. Will Zigelboum reach the heights that Friedman did this year? Only time will tell. Also featured at this concert is a special presentation of "Ultimate Miami" a.k.a. Miami English songs on one album. If they are old songs, I sure hope they are rerecorded for the album and they aren't just thrown together as a mix. It sounds like a great show, but you never know! Last year there was the surprise of Begun losing his voice and the kids took over his singing roles, which was quite amusing and actually a really fantastic show!

Drive up the Belt Parkway and down the Van Wyck Expressway to Queens and you'll find there the Yeshiva Boys Choir. At this show YBC will be singing songs from their latest album "Sh'moy" and some songs never sung in concert, which may mean that they learned choreography to an old song like Tehilas Hashem from YBC 1 and are now performing it in concert, or perhaps they are debuting new songs. They will be surrounded by other singers, such as Eli Gerstner and Menucha. They are also listing Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner as a special guest star. Menucha just released their 2nd album entitle Sh'ma Yisrael. Should also have been an interesting concert.

Let me know if you went to one and you enjoyed it or if you think one is better than the other.

All the best,


Step It Up
