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Mar 27, 2010

YU Maccabeats Album - Now Available!

These guys are phenomenal! In the fall of 2007, the YU (Yeshiva University) Acappella Group set out to showcase their university's latent cultural side. Though they didn't yet have their cool name (a play on YU's athletic clubs, the Maccabees) and stood pretty stiffly during their first few performances, these trailblazers cleared the way for the future of the performing arts at Yeshiva University. Committed to the philosophy of Torah u-Madda, the integration of traditional and secular wisdom, the Maccabeats perform an eclectic array of Jewish, American, and Israeli songs. Their trademark piece, arranged by musical director Julian Horowitz, is the epitome of this synthesis, combining some of the most beloved words of Jewish liturgy - Lecha Dodi - with Leonard Cohen's meaningful and melodic Hallelujah. The Maccabeats have performed in venues from New York's Madison Square Garden to Orlando, Florida (and everywhere in between), and are available to enhance a special occasion, or bring a message of Jewish life to your community. NOTE: No musical instruments were used in the production of this album. Certain sounds were produced using the human voice and may sound like real musical instruments.

Mar 24, 2010

8th Day - Now I'm a fan!

I was always skeptical when it came to the group 8th day (Bentzy & Shmuel Marcus). However, with the new Oorah CD, I have become an 8th day convert. To tell you the truth, I never even gave them a chance, and I'm at fault. I never made much of the brothers from out of L.A. I just figured they were amateurs and it wasn't worth a listen. Let me tell you something, boy was I wrong!

It's Shabbos Now, their song on the new Oorah album is so catchy, I'm just walking around humming the tune and singing "aye yai yai na na na num". Don't know what I'm talking about? Listen to the song above from the Oorah album. You won't regret it!

Check them out at!

Adam Lo Nivra - L'hisaneig B'Mountaindale Album

This is one of the songs on the album to benefit the Yeshiva of Mountaindale.

The artists performing on "Adam lo nivra" are Baruch Naftel, Chaim Felder, and Hillel Kapnick.

Mar 23, 2010

Kol Ish - Free Acapella Downloads

Kol Ish, a hit acapella group out of the Chicago area has given us the freedom to release one of their heart-warming songs from their "Before Eve" album, entitled "V'alu". Download it, put it on your mp3 player and let it sooth your ears!

Don't forget to check out their website, for booking info, free samples and more!

P.S. I've been informed that there is another full song you can hear on their site - Ha'azinu
Thanks to Y.W. for pointing that out.

My latest from JMR

Audio Report on Eli Gerstner -
Audio Review on Menucha 2 -

Seems to have a Gerstner theme, I know.


Mar 22, 2010

Passion - Journal Entry 1

It's interesting, I went through the normal course of my day once again, which usually has some music playing in the background at random intervals. I listened to two albums today. Menucha 2 and Oorah 2010. There were some songs which really made me happy. I'm talking smile on my face, positive thinking, happy. I truly feel blessed that I have a passion for something. Although it is not the only thing I have a passion for, Jewish music really gets me going and is constantly flowing through my head.

I want to take that thought a step further.

To be passionate about something is so important. Many find passion in their work or their hobbies. If you can direct that drive, that passion towards learning - great! If you can direct that passion towards being with and taking care of your family - even better! The important thing is to find that passion and cling to it and build on it.

I was reading through the new Country Yossi magazine, which I picked up at the Judaica store yesterday. No, I did not go to the Judaica store just for a free magazine! I needed a new yarmulke :). Anyway, the magazine had an article on A.K.A Pella 4, entitled "Platinum Collection" (I think). I was reading how the author described how he loved certain songs, such as Yofyafisa and Anovim. I could tell he was excited about it and that got me excited!

Excitement and happiness is contagious; so is depression and sadness. You have to pick how you feel and how you react. Try to go into your day remembering that you're in control of your reactions and when that slap in the face hits you and you want to get down on yourself... remember that you're in control! For me, I think of a great song and that cheers me up. If that doesn't work, dig deeper! Think about your loved ones (and a good song while you are at it!) :)

Be well,

Battle of the Oorah winners

Well, of course they aren't really battling. But I want everyone to take a listen at the past 2 winners of Oorah's singing competition. 2009's winner Yonatan Shlagbaum & 2010's winner Eli Levin. They both have spectacular voices. The question is who do you love? Now, I think that Levin had a better song, a Baruch Levine composition, but song aside, whose voice just agrees with your eardrums!? It's a tough call for me, but I think... Ya, like I really was going to tell you :P.
Here are their songs below under their pictures. You decide!
(Please note: Don't judge it by the song, judge it by the voice)

Mar 21, 2010

Acapella Returns

I'm going to be posting my acapella list in anticipation of sefira on the top of this blog. See the top of the page.

First, here's the scoop on what's coming out this sefira (from what I know):

YU Acapella - Featuring (from what I heard): Bad day, Oleinu from Yehuda
A.K.A. Pella 4 - Featuring (from what I heard): V'hee Sheomda, Yofyafisa, V'zakeni.

Second, here's a track that Six 13 just put out as a sequel to their hit track Ne'ilah which featured popular secular songs.

Feel free to email me on any other new acapella albums coming out -

Mar 15, 2010

On Vacation

I'm taking a break for a week. Keep viewing my favorite blogs listed on the left hand side of the page for great JM info!

What's next:
Menucha 2 Audio Review
Oorah 2010 Review

What's out now:

Mar 11, 2010

Menucha 2!!!! Buy it now!

Click HERE to buy and to hear samples!

Mar 9, 2010

Menucha 2 - Shema Yisrael Preview

Sounds like Menucha to me! Nothing like Shlomo Schwed going crazy with his ridiculously high voice of his.

Here's the write up from JMR:
Not since The 8th Note has an album been “in the works” this long. Just like by 8th Note the anticipation has been huge and Menucha fans long wait will finally be over this week. Menucha’s follow up album Shema Yisroel will be out this week. The album features 10 brand new songs, composed and arranged by Eli Gerstner. The album also features guest appearances from Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner, The Yeshiva Boys Choir, Dovid Stein, and of course Eli Gerstner. You can the first audio now below and this CD will be available for purchase or download very shortly.

Mar 3, 2010

Menucha 2 - Shema Yisrael

Here's the sad part - After 5 years since it was announced, we get 10 songs with a "unplugged" version of Shma as a "bonus". I'm still going to get this cd just because they are Menucha. I guess they figure they are going to sell anyway, why put more into it? Beats me! All I know is that I'm looking forward to seeing if this album is a hit or miss.

Menucha 2 is about to hit stores! Word is that the brand new CD will arrive in stores next week. Here is a sneak peek at the CD cover.

Track names and guest stars!! Check out all the amazing guest stars this CD will have! (Via

1 Sh’ma Yisroel
2 Shiru Lashem
3 Racheim Al Tzion (featuring Yaakov Mordechai Gerstner & The Yeshiva Boys Choir) 4 Kodosh (featuring Dovid Stein)
5 T’chias Hameisim
6 V’yizku
7 V’zakeinu (featurng Eli Gerstner)
8 Y’hi Hachodesh
9 Loolay
10 V’hagisa
11 Sh’ma Unplugged (Bonus Track)

Mar 1, 2010

Purim Videos

So with the title you'd think there'd be some videos from Purim, right? Wrong. I couldn't find anything worth posting. It may have had to do with the fact that the singers had a little alcohol in their system, as well as the musicians. Possibly it was the fact that the cameraman was intoxicated. Video after video of wobbly camera motions. I guess it really gives you the feeling that you're experiencing Purim first hand, like you're the actual drunk guy who's taking the video!

As for my Purim experience. I had a great time! I got to drink Saturday night, however I was forbade to drink on Sunday. One glass of wine was my Sunday experience. You see, I had to drive back home that night, so no drinks for me! That was fine with me because I got to see a bunch of tipsy/drunk guys being loud and festive from a sober point of view, which was quite amusing! I had an amazing Purim seuda at my brother's home, and heard some really inspirational divrei torah, and to top it off, my brothers and I had a nice kumzits together.

Purim, there's nothing like it! It's going to be the only holiday left after the geula and boy am I glad!


Step It Up
