Custom-embroidered logo shirts and apparel by Queensboro

Feb 24, 2010

Video of the day - Simcha Leiner at a chuppah

Here's a video of Simcha Leiner, an up and rising star bound for greatness. The video quality isn't amazing, but the sound is worth it without the video.
Simcha trains under world reknown chazzan, Daniel Gildar, as you can hear from this video, his voice reaches heights that others dream of.

Hear more of Simcha at

Feb 23, 2010

Video of the day - Shaya Hecht

Here's a video clip of Shaya Hecht, a young, talented and soon to be married singer, who has been thrilling audiences at weddings and concerts. He sings Nishmas Kol Chai from Yehuda Green's album in this clip and many more clips can be found at

Rumor has it, he will be performing a concert this Pesach at Meisner's Pesach Program.

Purim Medley - Amazing harmonies!

A Medley of Purim songs performed by Moshe Simcha Czapnik, Dovid Shalom Emeth and Shlomo Zalman Union at the Kollel LA dinner. Accompanied by Naftali Finkel, Conducted by Rabbi Heshy Maryles. Nice Harmonies throughout!

Feb 22, 2010

Mazel Tov to Aryeh Kunstler on his enagement

I guess we know know why Aryeh Kunstler has been having some delays in his album coming out ;). For good reasons! Mazel tov to the chassan and kallah, may they build a bayis ne'eman b'yisrael!

Onlysimchas listing -

Video of the day - Yisroel Werdyger

This video taken by Hersh Rosner is the best quality you're going to find on YouTube for our Jewish singers. The sound is a bit loud, so prepare to turn it down a bit :).

Benzion Twerski: Vechonen

You may or may not have heard of Benzion Twerski, but we guarantee you will soon! His debut album, Vechonen, is finally here. The songs were all composed by him (in the Twerski tradition). The musical arrangements were done by Yidi Strohli. The guest soloists include Mendy Strohli, Michoel Schnitzler, Shloime Taussig, Yoeli Berkowitz, Yoeli Falkowitz, Duvid Reifer, Shauli Waldner, and Lazer Kish. It is a masterpiece of nigunim of the old style! Each song is original, hartzig and completely enjoyable.

Available online now. just visit

Feb 21, 2010

JMDerech Experience - Avraham Solomon

I was a little hesitant about doing this report because it meant traveling through Brooklyn. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Brooklyn (seriously?), it’s full of a new beast called “the Brooklyn driver”. They’re fast, unpredictable and downright scary (no offense to Brooklyn drivers :P). Regardless, when I heard that Avraham Solomon, the famous soloist from the Miami Boys Choir’s Torah Today album, was going to be singing at this wedding, I decided it was worth endangering my life in Brooklyn traffic.

I show up at the chassunah and think about doing valet parking, however for those of you who haven’t tried this, just follow the valet driver and park behind him. They always know where the good spots are, assuming they aren’t parking in a private parking lot :). Anyway, I show up to the glamorous ballroom at Ateres Chynka and the 7 piece orchestra was warming up at the shmorg and they sounded great, just a taste of what they would sound like during dancing.

From the dinner music, all the way to the second dance, Avraham Solomon, who said he hadn’t done this in a while, sounded amazing and you would have thought that he did this kind of performance every night. He was hitting every note, high to low and with what seemed to be ease. The musicians were fantastic and played their instruments skillfully. I was very impressed with the saxophone player who put on quite a show. Unfortunately, I’m not so familiar with the wedding scene and don’t know the names of all the musicians. However, I did recognize that Mo Kiss, the leader of the Kol Noar Boys Choir was on lead guitars and was excellent, as can be seen in the video.

I highly recommend Solomon as a singer for your next simcha, not because I’m being paid to say that (I wish), but just because he was so professional and has an excellent voice to top it all off.

See below a video of the event and a link to the Torah Today album where Solomon first appeared on the JM scene.

JMDerech Experience Archive:

Ari Baumann & Singers

Shloime Kaufman

Feb 20, 2010

YU Maccabeats - Debut Album

Here's something I'm looking forward to listening to this upcoming s'fira!

It's almost here! the Maccabeats' first CD! Here's a taste of what you can expect. Come join us for our CD release party and free concert (March 23rd 10:15pm, YU Wilf Campus Lamport Auditorium). See you there...

Video of the day - Vihee Sheomda (Pirchei Etzion)

Vihee Sheomda has become quite a hit. Everyone is singing it, including this boys choir from Israel. Check it out!

Feb 19, 2010

Udi Davidi Music Video

Udi Davidi has just released a brand new music video with music and lyrics by Udi Davidi.

Directed by Simcha Lev, photo by: Amiti Eisenberg, lighting by Omri Botbol and produced by The Commune.

This video is so professional, a nice change from all the YouTube videos from people's flip camcorders and blackberry's.

Feb 18, 2010

Video of the Day - MBD ~ Omar R' Akiva

After a video of a rookie singer (Eli Levin), why not go to the King of Jewish music, MBD. Here's some footage shot at the Kulam Ahuvim concert by one of TheCoolJew's video guys.

There's lot's of annoying screaming from guys throughout, but at least the crowd enjoyed it :).

Feb 17, 2010

Video of the day

I know there's a handful of Jewish Music Video sites out there. I get tired of seeing video after video, subsequently, I rarely post videos. However, I think there are some really good videos out there featuring some quality JM singers. Therefore, I'm going to bli neder, post a new video every day.

Why not start with some fresh talent? Here's Eli Levin, the winner of this years Oorah auditions (see track above) singing Shema Yisrael at his brother's wedding. Eli is known to be a "soul" singer.

Feb 16, 2010

So there's been some rumors...

So there's been some rumors going around about singers developing new albums. For the first time, I reach out to you, the reader, for your help in getting the inside scoop. Think you can give me a hand? See the list below and let me know if you have any information on it. Also, if you know of someone who is in the process of making a new album that's not on this list, let me know.

The final information will appear on the Jewish Music Report as a second entry in "New Music in the works!" See the first one here -

As always, you can send me an email at Don't forget to check the previous post at the link above to see albums I have already posted.


Lev Tahor 5

Baryo Chakshur

Avraham Fried

8th day

Beri Weber

Shragy Gestetner

Chevra 4

Isaac Honig

Shalsheles Jr. 2

Avi Newmark's group

Yitzy Bald Boys Choir

Mona 6

Feb 12, 2010

New OORAH CD Preview


We’d like to thank Oorah for sending us these preview clips from the upcoming Oorah Shmorg 2 CD. The CD offers many great artists including Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer, Beri Weber, Meydad Tasa, 8th Day, Yehuda Green, Yehuda!, Lev Tahor, Eli Beer and Oorah Audition Winner: Eli Levin. Enjoy these samples below and don’t forget to take part in their wonderful Auction.

Eli Beer: Yachad

Composed by: Eli Beer Technical Assistance: JJ Fried Engineered by: Shloimy Bluth Recorded at: Bluetone Studios, Brooklyn NY
Photo by: Great Snap by Ruchy Guitar and Vocals: Eli Beer Keyboards: Tzvi Rada Bass: Binyomin Kahan Drums and Percussion: Utsi Zimring

Avraham Fried: Kinor Shel Dovid

Composed By: Eli Laufer | Arranged By: Moshe Laufer | Mixing: Ian Freitor | The Playground Recording Studios; NYC, Israel

Meydad Tasa: Kol Dodi

Composed by: Menachem Basch | Arranged by: Yoeli Dykman | Mixed by: Eli Melamud | Recording Technicians: Gili Telemann, Assaf Rtovic, Srulik Orbach, & Sinai Barnitz. | Recorded at: Studios Songs Bnei Brak. | Produced by : Aviad Gil at Studio Friends
Pianos and synthesizers: Yoeli Dykman | Drums: Asher Paddy | Percussion: Gadi Sri | Bass: Aryeh Berkowitz | Guitars: Avi Singolda | Violins and strings: The Israel Symphony Orchestra | Trumpets: Oleg Muir | Trombone: Vitali |Saxophone, Clarinet & Flute: Peter Wertheimer. | Choir: Yoeli Dykman- Chinese Embers-Yanki Eckstein.

Yehuda!: Torah Mates

Lead Vocalists: (“Father”) Yehuda!, (“Son”) Max Goldman | Adult Choir: Dovid Gutman, Noam Shapiro, Yehuda! | Boys Choir: Mordechai Blau, Ishai Gahanian, Ariel Lapp,Yoni Lapp, Eli Meyers, Nachshon Schlesinger, Avi Seltzer, Benyamin Seltzer, Rachamim Seltzer, Liam Shamir, Avinoam Sharvit, Raanan Weiss | Song composed by: Pesach Woznica | Lyrics composed by: Sheya Fromowitz and Menachem Basch | Orchestrations, harmonies, and studio recording by: Yehuda! | Material used with permission of Jerusalem All Stars, Inc. from “Generations of Song” (Yehuda! Album #6)

Yehuda Green: Vetaher Libeinu

Produced by: Aaron Zutler | Composed by: Shlomo Carlebach | Arranged By: Yehuda Green |

8th Day: It’s Shabbos Now

Written and composed by: Shmuel Marcus and Bentzi Marcus | Produced and arranged by: Bentzi Marcus | Drums: Rosy Banjo | Accordion, Keyboard: Leo Chelyapov | Acoustic and Electric Guitar: Bentzi Marcus | Bass: Steve Farrow | Lead Vocals: Shmuel Marcus | Recorded @ Bonus Room Studios and Studio Dee’s. | Mixed and mastered by: Andy Haller.

Lev Tahor: Bris Aisonim

Composed by: Eli Schwebel | Performed by: Lev Tahor | Lev Tahor is Ari Cukier, Gadi Fuchs and Eli Schwebel | Co-produced by: Ian Freitor and Eli Schwebel | at The Playground, Staten Island, NY | Mixed by: Ian Freitor at The Playground, Staten Island, NY

Berry Weber: Meshabchim

Produced by: Naftali Schnitzler | Arranged and Programming By: Ruli Ezrachi |Recorded at: Spectrasonic Studios, Brooklyn NY

Oorah Audition Winner: Eli Levin – Ahavas Olam

Produced by: SkyLine Music, NYC | Composed by: Baruch Levine | Arranged and Conducted By: Shmuli Rosenberg | Rhythm Recorded at The Jam Room, Howell, N.J. by Arnie Brown | Vocals and Overdubs Recorded at SkyLine Music, NYC
by Shmuli Rosenberg | Mixed by: Shmuli Rosenberg at SkyLine Music, NYC | Drums: Benny Koonyevsky | Bass: Conrad Korsch |
Guitar: Kevin Kuhn | Saxaphone: David Mann | Piano and Synthesizers: Shmuli Rosenberg | Strings by: Christian Howes Productions with Christian Howes, Christopher Marion, and Catherine Bent

Lipa Schmeltzer: Kabeid

Composed by: Lipa Schmeltzer | Music by: Naftali Schnitzler | Mixed by: Ilya Lishinsky | Produced by: Zemer Productions and NMS Productions

Feb 11, 2010

Yehuda Green - Coming soon!

Yehuda Green is about to release his brand new CD, Yearning. This CD will leave you amazed and inspired. The title track draws from Yehuda's childhood growing up in Eretz Yisroel. The album features 12 songs including 4 brand new songs, with compositions by Yehuda Green that will outdo the success of Nishmas. There are also 8 songs from Reb Shlomo Carlebach, including some rare gems which will leave you dancing and singing along in no time. We're proud to unveil the cover to you for the very first time. Coming in 1-2 weeks. The CD will be available through Aderet Music and will be available as a download as well.


For more info on albums from MostlyMusic see this months Mostly Music newsletter.

Covers for Yehuda Green: Yearning, Shabbos With the Werdygers, Leah Forster's Balabusted!

Amazing Download Sale on Shloime Gertner's Nisim, only $8.99!!!

The Ohel 5 Day Sale Price! Album Download: $9.99 | CD $13.99 | DVD $22.99

... and much much more!

NEW Albums from MRM Music for Purim!

Just in time for Purim MRM Music presents: Purim In The Chassidishe Vetl. This disk contains 80 minutes of on lebedig and geshmak hits with talented vocals by Amram Aker, Shmuel Dov Unger and Chaim Blumenfeld. This album is guaranteed to make you get up and dance all Purim long. Recorded at Supersound Studio’s by Lipa Meisals. For more or to purchase please visit

MRM Music presents PURIM LISTIG. This outstanding album is an all instrumental cd featuring 36 hits that are strictly for Purim. That right this album is great for parties whether your making something for family or having a mesiba for your yeshiva or shul. For more or to purchase please visit

Feb 6, 2010

Baryo Chakshur - Berachamim Single

Yehuda Nass, is the producer of Baryo a great talent in the music field who is already making an impact on the jewish music scene, with his composition of “Birshus” for Yaakov Shwekey and his various performances around Israel. They are now releasing his first single, an original composition of his very own entitled “Berachamim”. A very inspiring message with the matzav of today’s day and age the lyrics articulate a message of our request to Hakadosh Baruch Hu of having mercy on all of us and helping us out of the various tzaros which klal yisroel is finding itself in day in and day out. Baryo’s hope is this song will make an impact around the world and inspire yidden all across the globe. (via JI)

Download the song here (

And in case you missed it. Here is Baryo singing the Lubavitch Rebbe's "Anim Z'miros"

Download it here (

Feb 4, 2010

Shloime Gertner - Say Asay Available NOW!

Click the cover to buy!

Shloime Gertner's Say Asay is the long awaited follow up to his smash debut album, Nissim. Say Asay features songs by Yossi Green, Pinky Weber, Yitzy Waldner, Yitzy Gurwitz, Motti Illowitz & Baruch Levine. Arrangements by Leib Yaakov Rigler, Moshe Laufer, Eli Lishinsky, Shai Bachar and Yisroel Lamm. This CD features 14 tracks and was produced by TeeM Productions, Yossi Tyberg and Gershy Moskowitz.

You can buy or download the album here.
You can download the lead sheets by clicking here.

AJewishStar finalists

After keeping the Jewish music industry and thousands of others in suspense, judges of A Jewish Star singing competition Avraham Fried, Michael Sojcher and Mendy Pellin met at the offices of COLlive in Brooklyn, NY. Their goal was to winnow down the contestants ahead of the March 7 Soul II Soul concert.

During the audition period, some 50 contestants from around the world were put to the test sending in a video of their solo performances, with or without background music. 26 auditions made it through and were previewed on Until January 24, 2010, it was up to you to decide who would garner a spot in the Top 10 semifinalists.

61,893 votes were cast and here are the Top 10 (according to rank):

1: Choni Grunblatt
2: Avraham Ohayon
3: Shuki Sadon
4: Choni Teitelbaum
5: Binyamin Moshe
6: Boruch Sholom Blesofsky
7: Nissen Brenenson
8: Gershon Shapiro
9: Shmuli Stiefel
10: Moshe Lehr

These names were revealed to the judges at the Jan. 25th meeting by Yehuda Ceitlin, Editor-in-Chief of, without specifying in what order they were voted in.

In good spirits, the judges watched the auditions and were asked to rate each of the semifinalists with a score from 1 to 5. They also asked to give their take on these auditions. Each drew on their expertise and experience; Fried, as a music superstar, Sojcher, as the leader of the renowned Neshoma Orchestra and Pellin (joining via video conference from Los Angeles), as an entertainer and comedian - to make the decision.

The judges' Top 3 will take the stage on Sunday, March 7, to perform live for the judges and for the audience at Brooklyn School for Music & Theatre.

And the Top 3 Finalists Are... from on Vimeo.

(via Gruntig!)

New albums in the works...

My sources are telling me many albums are in the works.

After winning the 2008 Oorah auditions, Yisroel Werdyger's second album is in the making.

Teem Productions, headed by Yossi Tyberg and Gershy Moskowitz, who propelled Yisroel to stardom with Bayis Ne’eman Beyisroel, will be producing this project as well, with musical arrangements by Shua Fried.

Much thought and research went into the selection of songs, with several compositions by the talented Yossi Green, and several by Yitzy Waldner. Motty Ilowitz, composer of the title track on Yisroel’s last album, which has become as staple at chasunos everywhere, also lends his talents to this project. Other contributors include Pinky Weber, Meshulem Greenberger, Chaim Elya Hartman, and even some new composers who hope to make their mark on the Jewish music scene.

Stay tuned for Yisroel Werdyger’s new album, coming after the summer Iy”H! (via JMR)

Dovid Gabay's 3rd album song selection process is close to completion. No estimate on when it's going to be released has been given yet. Gabay's professional recording career started with his first album "Legabay", produced by Avi Newmark. That same year he was featured on R' Shmuel Brazil's "Ki Atah Imadi". He then made guest appearances on Oorah's annual CD's & "Harei Yehuda". Up next was Gabay's next hit album entitled "Omar Dovid", which hit the Jewish music scene by storm, featuring the hit song "Hagomel", sung by Jewish weddings everywhere. Another guest appearance followed on Shloime Kaufman's "Avodas Tzedaka" album and finally he was the focal point of the "Kumzing" concert. By no means is Gabay's career slowing down. He's constantly featured in concerts such as HASC and his new album, produced on his own, promises to be another smashing hit.

Yoni Zigelbaum is a new singer whose been in the spotlight recently. He has a tremendously powerful voice and producers have been chasing him. He's youthful and has a tremendous amount of energy. He's sung at some recent concerts and an interesting interview with JMR's Mendel "The Sheichet" Markel can be seen here ( He's collecting songs for his albums as of now and they can be emailed to him at

Menucha 2... When is it coming out? Everyone wants to know. Menucha started out with the first album way back in 2003. That's 7 years and their first album is still a hit. On YBC Live 3, a new Menucha song entitled "Shiru Lashem" was featured. It sounded great, like the old Menucha we know and love.

The group features 3 men by the names of Danny Berkowitz, Avi Shachter and Shlomo Schwed. The first album had Doniel Waldman on it, but he has since left the group. It's amazing to see that the remaining 3 guys have stuck together for so long without putting out an album. Eli Gerstner told me that Menucha 2 is due out Purim. That's less than a month away. Let's just wait and see :).

Aryeh Kunstler, everyone's favorite Jewish rocker is expected to release his new album any day now and it's promised to be a hit like his first album "From the Depths". Aryeh started out with V'havienu, a group with his brother Dani. He then proceeded to join Yaakov Chesed and released two albums with them as a guitarist and vocalist. Finally he released a single entitled "Yisrael B'tach Bashem" with Yossi Piamenta and was featured on Gershon Veroba's latest album "Second Impressions".

Aryeh has been seen everywhere, from opening for Moshav Band and singing with the Yeshiva Boys Choir. He know can be seen on a constant basis playing for the Neshoma Orchestra as a lead guitarist/vocalist.

Yacov Young is known for his sweet yet powerful voice. Very underrated and a bliss to the ears. His debut album "Yogati Motzasi" was not well known, but it had some spectacular songs on it.

Yacov has his own orchestra and can be seen singing frequently in the Jewish wedding scene. To hear a taste of his sweet voice, check out this YouTube video of him singing Shloime Daskal's "Anim Z'miros" (

He is currently collecting songs for his album and they can be mailed to him at

Michoel "Pruz" Pruzansky is a big hit. His powerful "MBD-like" voice is a thing of beauty. He released his debut album "Ashrecha" back in 2003 and since then, he has only gotten bigger. He released his second album "Pruzbul" in 2007, which led to a huge change in his style making him the "Pruz" we all know and love. He rocks a concert with the best of them and even has his own orchestra. Since his last album release he has sung on last years Oorah's "The Shmorg" album (a free download) and Shloime Kaufman's "Avodas Tzedaka".

Pruz is still looking for a couple more songs for his album and he can be reached through the contact form on his website.

If you know of any more albums that are due to be released soon and have information that you would like displayed, contact me at

Feb 2, 2010

Yossi Green Interview: Bringing Music to a New Generation

As seen on Israeli Salad. While many have listened to Yossi Green's music few know who he is, because Yossi Green isn't the man on stage but a producer. After years of success Yossi noticed the younger generation is losing interest, so he set about creating music which can reach all ages.

Young Israel of Manhattan presents Pruz & Baruch Levine in Concert!

Young Israel of Manhattan Presents its 31st annual concert
Starring Michoel Pruzansky and Baruch Levine.
THIS Motzei Shabbos Feb 6, 8:30pm
Seward Park High school ~ 350 Grand Street, NYC
For Tickets or more information call 212-732-0966

Poster by Daniel G. -

PREORDER Shloime Gertner's Say Asay NOW!

Shloime Gertner’s Say Asay is the long awaited follow up to his smash debut album, Nissim. Say Asay features songs by Yossi Green, Pinky Weber, Yitzy Waldner and others.

This CD features 14 tracks and was produced by TeeM Productions, Yossi Tyberg and Gershy Moskowitz.

We will have more information and samples later this week.

To Pre-Order click HERE


Step It Up
