This song was released for free through The Yeshiva World; I think a lot of people may have missed it. Here's the text from the article and the song itself.
YWN EXCLUSIVE: New Hit Song by Abie Rotenberg for Project EZRAH
December 11, 2008
(”MUST-HEAR” AUDIO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) 10:00AM EST: This Motzei Shabbos will be the annual dinner benefiting the organization known as Project EZRAH. Project EZRAH, especially in these times, would like to do whatever it can to inspire each and everyone of us to be there for each other. They commissioned the attached song which they would like to share with klal Yisrael.
The song was composed by Abi Rotenberg, featuring Abie Rotenberg, Lipa Schmeltzer, Rivie Schwebel, Srully Wulliger and introducing the newest and youngest edition to the Schwebel music family, Avrohmi Schwebel.
This magnificent song was arranged by Yisroel Lamm, and produced by Sheya Mendlowitz.
The song was first released this morning on the Nachum Segal Radio Show, and now on the Internet via Yeshiva World News for the first time.
If you would like to find out more about this wonderful organization, please visit their website,